Chapter 1~ Hopeful

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You thought going to college was going to be one big party

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You thought going to college was going to be one big party. Spending your weekends partying, meeting guys left and right. Making life long friends that you could tell all your problems to. Of course, the reality was much different than what Hollywood had told you. You were going into your second year of college and you had yet to even make a single friend let alone go to a party.

You were spending most of your time studying. College was much harder than you expected it to be. You thought it would be like high school except you got to pick what you wanted. Which was true except as a first year you got whatever classes were left that the upperclassmen didn't want. You had classes early in the morning and late at night, leaving only the middle of the day to yourself. You would be in class when others were out partying or sleeping in, and when you had time off others were busy in class.

Now that you were a second year you actually got a slightly better schedule and you got to take a class that was for your major and wasn't just a GE class. You were very excited, you thought you might finally have a chance to meet people and make some friends since everyone would be apart of your major.

Another thing you did like about college was that there were no uniforms and everyone dressed in comfortable clothes. So you dressed to blend in rather than stand out. Since it was the first week of classes you did, however, decide to dress nicer than normal. You hoped that you would be able to make at least one new friend by the end of the week and a boosted wardrobe would help achieve that goal. 

Monday. After three classes all two hours each you failed to make a friend. No one chose to sit next to you and you were already feeling like an outcast once again. You sat alone and had no one to talk to during discussions. You hoped Tuesday might wield better results. When you woke up you were feeling down so you decided to wear your usual attire. Ripped jeans with red flannel and your favorite pair of timberlands. You generally wore your hair in a messy bun since it had grown so long, but today you choose to part it on the left side and leave it down.

As you walked from your dorm to your first of two classes for the day you mentally prepared yourself for another lonely day. Your first class was a beginning computer science class in one of the bigger lecture halls on your campus. Everyone who was in your major had to take it, so you knew the class would be packed, which gave you a little bit of hope. More people meant more chances of someone sitting next to you.

Because you get anxious very easily you always left for class much earlier than you had to. By the time you walked into the lecture hall, there was still about thirty minutes before your class began. There were only three or four other students and the TA was still setting up. You decided to sit closer to the front off to the left side. Your vision was not the best and you had to wear glasses when you were in class.

Once you sat down you pulled out the case for your glasses but kept everything else in your backpack. You didn't want to seem overly-eager since it was just the first day of class. You pulled your phone out and began to scroll away on Twitter, pretending you had someone better to do. After a few minutes had gone by you slowly began engrossed in your phone out of habit. Your surroundings faded into the background. You almost forgot you were in a classroom until you noticed someone's elbows on the desk in front of you.

Jealous (Yugyeom X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin