Chapter 4

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Kiera's POV

"Ugh I'm so tired, but I know I gotta buy groceries so I won't starve.", I thought to myself as I clocked out.

After I left the store, I headed home for a much needed shower. When I opened the door, I was greeted by my two month old Siberian Husky, Jax.

"I missed you all day Jax.", I cooed as I petted him, "You must be hungry."

After feeding him, I put away the groceries and went to go start my shower. While I was in the shower, I heard thunder roar and my lights flickered off. I quickly turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.


I heard someone banging on my door.

"Nope I'm not finna answer the door.", I declared and slipped on some clothes.

I'm not about to be one of those people in those scary movies that answer the door while its thundering and raining outside and it turns out to be the killer .

"Please help me!", I heard someone yell.

I quickly ran to the door and swung it open to find the man I ran into earlier at the hospital. He looked terrible. He had cuts on his lip and eyebrow, a bruised eye and it looked like he was badly injured on his side.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?", I said while helping him to my bathroom.

"I got snuck by one of my enemies while I was driving home and when they shot my tires, I knew I had to jump out. Then next thing you know we hear police sirens, so they fled one way and I fled the other.", he said while I nursed his wounds by the light of the candles.

"Yea but why did you come to my apartment?", I questioned.

"I...I don't know. I just kinda felt a pull you know.", he said looking out in a daze.

Hmm that's odd, but somewhat believable I guess.

"Welp your all done. Um do you have anywhere else to go that's around here?", I asked.

"I could ask my bro to come pick me up since he lives around h...", my doorbell rang, interrupting him.

I wonder who could be here at this time of night.

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