Chapter 3

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Adonis's POV

She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The confidence she carried as she walked. The way her hips moved with each step. The way her loose curls fell, framing her smooth face.

I wanted her.


"Oh hey you're back! What took you so long?", my sister Crystal asked when I returned to the hospital room.

"Probably busy with his lunch.", my brother in law said while holding my newborn nephew.

"Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to feast this evening. Um I should get going soon, it's getting late.", I said while going over to hug my sister and kiss my nephew on the head.

As I was heading out the doors of the hospital, I couldn't help but think about the beautiful woman I ran into today. I have never been this intrigued about someone before...well since her. The only problem is that she is a human and I am a vampire. Those species simply do not mix. Maybe it's time for a change then.


"Adonis! Nice that you decided to join me.", my bestfriend Aries exclaimed.

"Well yes it has been so long. What have you been up to Aries?" I asked while setting up a game of pool.

"You know the usual. Feasting on little humans at night, running a business by day, and dealing with my babymama.", he mumbled the last part but I heard him loud and clear.

"Yo you still dealing with her? What does she want this time?", I asked and knocked a ball in.

"Yea man she asking for more money like I don't already pay child support. She barely lets me see Rayne anymore! I swear if she wasn't the mother of my child, she would've been dead.", Aries said menacingly.

"Damn. How is my niece doing anyway."

"She's good till she told about her little 'boyfriend'. You know I could've went out on a rage if I hadn't remembered that they're still in pre-school.", he said chuckling lowly to himself.

"Oh I know you are going to have a hard time keeping them away when she gets older.", I said imagining Aries threatening every single boy that shows interest in Rayne.

"Oh yea you bet. Anyways how have you been?", he asked while taking a sip of his drink.

When he asked that I couldn't help but to think about what happened earlier today at the hospital.

"Oh I know that look. Who's the lucky girl?", he said while smirking.

"Her name is Kiera. I bumped into her on the way back to Crystal's room. The way her curves accented her body and the soothing song of her voice would have anyone hooked on her. The only downfall is that she is a human.", I sighed.

"Bro you know humans and vampires don't mix.", he said disapprovingly.

"Yes I know but it's just something about her that makes her different."

And I have yet to find out.

AdonisWhere stories live. Discover now