Supergirl ~ Of Two Minds ~ Part Three

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Spring break is here, and I celebrate by finishing this episode. Woohoo! Not entirely sure how much I'll write over break because I'll be doing stuff with family, too, but if I get the chance to, I will.

Team SuperArrow and guest take on Pestilence, her four victims wake up, many conversations are had, and a trinity emerges. Also, guess which conversation was the hardest for me to write, lol.

Enjoy the end of "Of Two Minds!"


"So how many chances are we giving this Worldkiller?" Barry asked through the comms as Kara flew through the city.

"None," Laurel answered at once.

"One," Kara amended.

"How many is one going to turn into?" Slade asked.

"Just the one," Kara answered, narrowing her eyes as she found the building they were looking for. "Oliver, Alex, Malcolm, and Winn are at stake, and so is the rest of the city. I'm drawing the line at one."

"I'm down with one," Dig said.

"You're sure?" Mon-El asked.

"What Kara said."

The six landed inside the building, and Kara rushed forward, shooting her heat vision from her eyes, disintegrating the claw Grace extended from her finger to scratch one of the executives at the table. "Don't take another step, Grace!" she warned.

Grace glared at her, her eyes sickening yellow. "It's not Grace anymore," she said, her voice reverberating.

"Come on," Dig gestured to the executives. "Move!"

"Get to the exits, go," Barry herded them off.

Grace watched them go, sneering in disgust. "You would save even these scabs? They who profit on the suffering of others?"

"Everyone deserves saving," Kara told her.

"Not them," Grace shook her head. "They're not good."

"But you are."

Footsteps came from behind them, and Mon-El held out an arm, stopping his wife in her tracks. "Imra, wait," he ordered. "Give her a chance."

Imra glared at him, but huffed and stood her ground when she saw no one else was moving, even though Slade and Dig had their guns aimed at Grace, Barry and Laurel ready to move at a moment's notice. "Think of the lives you've saved," Kara told Grace, the two of them walking around the table. "You're a doctor, Grace. The day you took an oath, you swore you would do no harm."

Grace stopped in her tracks. "Do no harm," she echoed faintly.

The claws coming out of her nails retracted, and Barry's eyebrows shot up. "She's doing it," he whispered.

"Grace?" Kara asked hopefully. When Grace looked back up, the yellow in her eyes was gone, and her normal dark eyes were looking at her. "It's gonna be OK."

"My mother used to always say that good would be rewarded with Grace," Grace smiled, then walked around to face Kara head on across the table. "But when I became a surgeon, I finally saw the truth. There's no reward for being good."

"Whatever's happening to you doesn't give you power over who lives," Kara walked over to face her. "Only over who dies. You don't want that. We can stop it."

She held out her hand, and Grace walked over, tracing the lines in her palm. "Stop it," she repeated. Kara nodded, but froze when Grace raised an eyebrow. "Why would I ever wanna stop it?" she asked. "This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I don't have to worry about saving anyone anymore because I don't want to."

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