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"The city has fallen!" A scratchy recording of a female's voice crackled through large speakers hanging on the walls of the Great Hall. "Citizens must evacuate, immediately! I repeat, the city ..."

Suddenly, it went dead and in its absence the sound of the battle raging outside felt that much closer.

"What happened to the recording?" Asked Yin, her voice close to breaking.

"The enemy must have gained access to the radio tower and cut the transmission." Kitt guessed and gave her husband a concerned look.

The radio tower was in the heart of the city. To have taken it meant the battle was as good as over. The enemy had won.

"They'll be breaking down the doors of the Great Hall soon." The houndsman Elder, Bobrown, added nervously.

"We still have time. I have a gateway ready to transport us the hell out of here." He told them, quickening his pace and hurrying the others to do the same.

His name was Quill, but most knew him as the Great Inventor. He also had another name, a more secret name. The Pathfinder, the one destined to fulfill the Oracle's last prophecy.

Yet, tonight all he thought of himself was husband and father.

"How can I leave, Quill?" Kitt asked him. "We haven't fully evacuated the city yet."

"It's not them the Directory wants." He reminded his wife. She was an Elder of the Torchbearers, one of Sancisco's elected officials. If the Directory caught her, they'd hang her from the highest building in the city.

"Think of your children." Yin added softly and her words drew their eyes down to Kitt's swollen belly and the two unborn babies inside.

"Yin's right, you're no good to us in a fight today." Bobrown agreed. "Save yourself for the battles to come."

She agreed and let her husband lead her out of the Great Hall.

"How did the Directory get into my city, Quill?" She demanded when they were outside.

"I'm not sure. They seemed to come from everywhere."

"Maybe they have a powerful anomaly helping them?" Bobrown guessed.

"The invisible wall won't let anyone enter the city using their teleportation abilities, remember?" He pointed out.

"Maybe it failed."

"Or maybe someone turned it off." Yin voiced the unthinkable.

"Someone betrayed us." She added. "Someone important."

A side street connected the Great Hall to an old lost civilization court house where the city's gateways were housed. As they crossed the street they didn't spot the five Directory soldiers guarding the entrance, their grey uniforms concealing them against the stone facade. They caught Quill's eye though when they raised their long-rifles and the moon glinted off their metal barrels.

He grew the spark in the palms of both hands and whipped the blue lightning bolts at two men. Then he stepped through the switch and teleported his body across the twenty yards that separated him from the final three soldiers. He had his sword gripped in his fist when he exited the blue capsule and quickly sliced it through the remaining men before they had time to react.

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