Chapter 1

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What up
So this is my first fanfic, please be nice to me. I don't know why you're reading this, it's probably trash (hopefully enjoyable trash tho) Please comment and I don't really care about voting but you be you.
So now. . . the story

Annabeth POV

The taste of salt lingers on my tongue after swimming in the ocean with Percy. Laying in his arms, I feel safe. Tonight was perfect. We swam together and splashed in the water. Percy took us underneath and we saw turtles and coral of all different colours. It was beyond beautiful. Then as the sun began to set, we went to the shore and had a picnic dinner of sandwiches and some of Sally's blue chocolate chip cookies.

After dinner we cuddled in watched the sunset, that last rays of sun glimmering on the water. Tonight was more perfect then I could've imagined.

Except it wasn't perfect and we both knew it. The laughs and smiles were fake and the brief kiss we shared was anything but passionate. When we were at the brink of death, Taurtarus pulled us close than ever. I'm doubting that our love is true any more- no, I'm not doubting, I know and I feel guilty. 

When we were dying, we bonded over the need to survive. Now that we didn't need to fight for every toxic breath, our relationship was dwindling, like the sun had faded just minutes ago. 

But, for now, I don't think of the looming prospect of the end of our relationship. Instead, I think of how Percy's arms are wrapped around my shoulders and how his breathing whispers against the back of my neck. In that moment, I fall more out of love with him. I wsh things could go back, but they just can't.

Percy POV

I hug Annabeth loosely in my arms, cuddling on a picnic blanket with the sand beneath us after our date at the beach. I know she's still awake, thinking, and I know exactly what. I'm not stupid. What hangs in the air is something we're both refusing to say because we know it's true and we're scared of it. 

Our relationship is falling apart. 

I think we fell in love, and what we had was real. I think we, honestly and truly, loved each other. But after the war things have been different - very different. We don't love each other, not in a romantic way. I all feel for her is platonic. 

So I hold her close while I can and try to enjoy the last of our time together. 

But my dreams are anything but enjoyable.

I walk along a barren beach, nothing except me and the ocean. I keep walking, searching for something. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I know I need it. Everything is quiet until I hear it.

The massive roar behind me sends me whirling. I see the source, and Riptide is uncapped and in hand. A beast the size of a large truck throws back it's head and let's out another roar.

It's beautiful.

Golden fur covers the beast's body, shining in the golden rays of the last light in the sky. The beast's massive wings flow majestically behind it, catching and refracting the light. There are diamonds mixed in it mane, blinding me and burning my eyes. Terror runs through me as I look at the creature. It is nothing like what I've ever seen before.

I try to run, to get away from the beast. I try to do anything, but I can't move. Everything in me is frozen. The beast sees me before I can figure out how to move. Riptide is useless in my hands. and the last thing I see before everything going black is the giant teeth of the monster wide over my body. 

I wake up with Annabeth yelling my name as she kneels over me. I gasp in air and try to calm myself.

"Percy," Annabeth looks like she's scared, "Percy are you okay? You were yelling and screaming. Then it just stopped and- are you okay Perce?"

I nod and close my eyes, still trying to calm the adrenaline racing through my veins. I hear a small sigh of relief escape from Annabeth.

"Annabeth?" I slowly open my eyes.

"Yeah Perce?" She still looks scared, but less so. She looks tired.

"I love you." I whisper. She grimaces and closes her eyes tightly, as if trying to will the rest of the world to disappear.

"Percy. . ." She whispers.

"I love you," I say it again softly. "I love you but we both are avoiding what we both know."

She nods, and I sit up. Annabeth hugs me, tightly and I hug her back. "I love you too." 

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