Higher Than A Cloud

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When Dean didn't come back after an hour I began to worry about him. Where had he gone? Was he in trouble? Who was he with? But mostly, I wanted to know what he had done that was so bad that he refused to talk about it. What could possibly be so awful? Unless he was a serial killer or something.

That couldn't be though! He would have been in prison if that was the case. He would be in prison, right?

Oh goddess, what if I am wrong? No, I can't be wrong. Murderers go to jail. Plain and simple.

The nurse came in a couple of times to check my monitor and my pulse. The light she shined in my eyes caused them to burn and m head to pound with pain. I swear if I didn't know better, I would have thought the little tiny light was going to be the death of me.

Dean was a pain in my ass earlier but I wanted him to come back. I wanted another pain pill. Definitely not his company. The guy is a douche. A rude, inconsiderate, douche.

I don't understand why he hides all the secrets of his past. I had just told him some of my past, couldn't he at least show a little common courtesy, really was it that fucking hard! The guy was seriously going to piss me off sooner or later. Scratch that, he pissed me off earlier.

“Ms. Jay?” The nurse called into my room before walking in.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Is it okay if Mr. Andrews comes into your room now? Visiting hours are over and it's midnight, but he says he is supposed to be here.” The blonde nurse asks, peeking her head in the door way.

“Who, what's his first name?” I questioned, a bit confused. Who the fuck is Mr. Andrews?

“Dean. Dean Andrews.” She stated.

“Oh, yeah. Let him in.” I nodded.

Dean stepped through the door swaying a little bit. His eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were fully dilated. He was no longer wearing the clothes stained with my blood. Now he was wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a wife beater that outlined his gorgeous body perfectly.

No fraternizing with the enemy, damn it!

The nursed had left him standing in the middle of the room, closing the door behind her. Dean didn't look at me at first. He looked around the room like he was trying to figure out where he was.

I didn't know whether to be worried about the obviously high man standing in front of me, or to be pissed that he was fucked up to begin with. Can't even stay sober long enough to sit at the hospital with me. Dick!

When he did finally look at me his eyes narrowed and then he smirked ever so slightly. Something about that smirk mad me nervous. I wondered what was going through his mind.

Something bad? It was probably something bad.

Dean stumbled over to my hospital bed like a drunken biker in a bar at three in the morning. When he came to a stop beside the bed he didn't smell like a bar though. He smelled like something else. Something slightly chemical.

“Have you been smoking crack or something?” I barked at him. Not at all impressed with what I had in front of me.

“A little. Ran into, um, some, um, guy. On the way back to the house. He gave me a, um, a hit. Or three. The pills topped it though.” Dean nodded like it was the most normal thing in the world and he was just having a casual conversation.

“You are an idiot! You know that right?” I yelled.

“And you are a, um, bitch face!” He yelled back and then giggled. Yes, he actually fucking giggled.

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