45- Love

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"I think it's pretty obvious where I went. I asked you to take me to the Farmer's Market and you didn't, so I went myself." I knew I was being audacious, but I didn't care. He deserved my tone.

"You left the house without me," he growled. My answer did nothing to lessen the anger that painted his face.

"Yeah, because you were being a douche. And by the way, you owe Ermanno an apology. He just wanted to visit with you and you were rude to him." I replied.

Arsenio walked closer to me and we stood toe to toe. I looked up, meeting his intense stare. "I don't owe an apology to anyone, Eloise. You left the fucking house without me. Remember that contract you signed, you broke it. You didn't follow my fucking rules!" He yelled. Chills spread across my skin. I was growing bolder, nonetheless, I didn't like being yelled at.

"What are you talking about?"

"The Omertà. I told you that you were not to leave without me or without someone who I gave authority."

"I didn't go by myself. I went with the driver." I said, trying to support my argument.

"I didn't give him fucking permission, did I? I didn't give you fucking permission, did I?" He boomed. I looked down at my feet this time. I suppose I didn't listen and he had the right to be upset. Especially after I had promised to abide by his rules. But I had the right to be upset, too. He had treated both Ermanno and me disrespectfully, and I was no longer going to sit back like a good little girl and take it.

"No, you didn't. But I needed to go and you wouldn't take me. You've known about this for weeks and suddenly halted my plans. Nothing bad happened anyway." I said defensively.

"That's not the point!" His voice echoed against the driveway and the side of the house.

"Something could have happened to you. And I wouldn't have been there to protect you." Arsenio shook his head and turned around, walking back into the house. Walking away from me.

He slammed the door after he entered as I stood on the porch staring at the spot he stood just moments ago. My feelings were hurt and I felt a burning in the back of my throat.

"Stupid men. Stupid Arsenio. Stupid, rude, disrespectful, asshole Arsenio!" I clenched my fists as I yelled to no one except the breeze passing by. Yes, the tone I used was childish, but there was no one else around the mock me.

I walked back into the house to continue our fight, but then what he said hit me like a ton of bricks. "And I wouldn't have been there to protect you."

He was worried about me. The anger coursing through my veins halted, as did my momentum to find him. Arsenio was worried about me, that was why he was so angry. He didn't want me to get hurt, or stolen, or worse. He cared. The reminder that he did was welcome.

My heart warmed at the thought and my anger dissipated. Not all of it, I was still upset about how he had treated Ermanno and the way he had spoken to me earlier.

I didn't see Arsenio for the rest of the day and I didn't go in search of him either. I figured I would give him space. But I did have one thought with me throughout the day- Arsenio cared about me, and it was great knowledge to have.

By the time I went upstairs, it was almost ten at night. I had been cutting up and dividing chicken and beef for that week's dinner. I was going to make bruschetta cheesy chicken for dinner tomorrow. I'd made it before and Arsenio liked it.

I walked upstairs to our room. The door was open and I saw the glow of the desk lamp filtering into the hallway.

I walked in and looked for Arsenio. He was laying on the bed with his shirt off and wearing sweatpants. He was reading something on his phone. I looked at our bed, it was still unmade and looked like a catastrophe from the night before. I blushed as I remembered what we did together on that bed just a night earlier.

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