Chapter 5

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// warning, horrible attempt at humor.

I'm going to need you not to panic but there's going to be a villain attack in school today.

"There's going to be a what?!" Izuku exclaimed loudly, his other classmates made to look at him, he flushed in embarrassment.

What's it about, Static?

Class 1-A is going to a USJ event today, an off campus activity, and the villains will be attack. I need you to stay calm, Excuse yourself to the bathroom. Go to class 1-A, talk to Iida, the blue haired boy with glasses. And I'm going to need you both to convince Aizawa to not go to USJ, but...

But what?

...Aizawa will... Aizawa will be very hard to please. I think. So I'm going to need you to listen to me when you're talking to him, okay?


Now go.

"Sensei can I go to the bathroom real quick?"


Say that you need to shit.

"I need to shit really really reaaaaally bad, please?" He says a bit urgently. Midnight giggles.

"No need to give details, knock yourself out darling!" Izuku nods and runs out of the classroom.

Where's Class 1-A?

Uh, they should be at the changing rooms right now. Remember, go to the Males room, not the females.

Got it! So uh... where exactly is that...?

... you're right infront of it.

Izuku blinks, not noticing that his feet moved by himself... is it just him or was this really familiar?

Okay do I knock or?

Make for an explosive entrance, click the door open and kick it, slamming it open, and then scream as loud as you can, WHERE'S THE CLASS PRESIDENT?! The class president is Iida by the way, he takes longer to get ready so he goes in the stalls.

Static, I'll be labelled as crazy if I do that.

I'm just suggesting you what to do.


Wait no that was a joke-

Izuku kicks the door wide open and screams.



"CLASS PRESIDENT! I NEED HIM ASAP!" He yells loud and clear. Bakugou aims to hit at his face. Suddenly he can't control his body, he somehow managed to dodge his hit before roughly elbowing Bakugou's Sternum, the blond froze in shock and he made to struck at his Pulmonary Plexus at the back too. Bakugou stumbled, falling to the ground, suddenly. Everyone was on guard, a guy with six arms guarding the stalls.

Ah there is where Iida is.

Static I can't control my body what do I do.

I'm controlling your body right now.

You could do that?

It's uncomfortable for you so I don't do it, I'm glad I'm not that rusty even though I've been sent back this far.


Don't mind me.

"You! You know where your class pres is huh?" Kirishima stumbled back, his arms hard with his quirk and ready to protect his self.

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