Chapter Two

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  I open my eyes as breathtaking seconds past.
  The wall was three inches from my face.
  I yelp as I drop into a seat. My head slams into the armrest, making the world turn red as I flip onto the ground. I lie on the ground and stare at the hole in the ceiling. Monsters slither from the hole and drop onto the seats.
  Like bugs.
  I take a deep breath and pull myself up by grabbing the chair in front of me.
  "Geez, I'm sure not coming back to these theaters ever again. I slowly sit into the seat and watch the two groups fight.
  "AHHH!" a scream stops the battle as a monster picks up Lindsey by her neck.
My gut tightens as the creature who had flung me before raised Lindsey above him, like a trophy.
  "Let her go, Abaddon", Poison Thorn holds out his hand as vines climb up the walls and wait for the attack.
  "You think that you can defeat me, you don't even have a leader. You argue with each other like old married couples", He sneers at them and pulls Lindsey closer. Lindsey struggles and tries to pull away from his face, but he holds her firm. He stares into her eyes as the color slowly drains from her body.
  "Abaddon, stop, what do you want?" Abaddon looked over at Fox with a cat like smile.
  "What do I want? Let me see, power, that's what!"
  He looks back at Lindsey, who had stopped fighting and was hanging limply from his hand.
  I watch in horror as Electronica and Monstrosity both jump at Abaddon. He simply disappears and appears a few feet away. Laughing as Electronica and Monstrosity collided.
  The theater lights up with a blinding intensity. I duck under the seat in front of me as the entire first and middle rows explode. I cover my head with my arms as dust and debris falls to the floor. Dust continues to fall until I'm sure it's safe.
  I look up to see a chunk of ceiling the size of a sofa falling straight on top of me. I scream and duck under my arm as the piece of ceiling falls on top of the seats.
  My breathing slows as I take the courage to look up again. The chunk of ceiling rested on the seat I was sitting on and the seat in front of me. I tentatively look over the seat and pray that a piece of ceiling would fall on me.
  Most of the theater was covered in white dust, except for a perfect circle where Abaddon stood with Lindsey's dead body at his feet. I choke down a sob and try to pull myself into the seat. Instead I slice my hand into a chunk of ceiling.
  I breathe through my teeth and stare at the deep cut. This was not my day. The air was getting colder as I took my seat again. I stare down at the Superhero team in shock.
  All of them were knocked out.
  Electronica had giant claw marks running from her cheek to her shoulder, probably where Monstrosity attacked her. I felt sorry for her, and then remembered Monstrosity. He was in the opposite corner, lying in a sizzling heap. I grimaced, that looked like it hurt.
  Luckily, all of the creeping creatures were either burned stumps, or not even there at all. Those things are disgusting. There was one hanging on the seat an aisle in front of me, and it is ugly! Mushy looking black skin, with mossy brown patches on them, and the creepy part, they had no eyes. Yuck!
  I shivered and looked away. I need to keep my popcorn down. I look around to see Poison Thorn lying on his stomach in the middle of the aisle, with Fox hanging on the railing right by him.    That girl was very flexible.
  The Invisible Phantom was lying crumpled on the floor in front of the screen, his black suit smoking. Aqua-frost and Ara were nowhere to be seen.
  "Well, if it isn't the last survivor, what's your name?" I look back at Abaddon with fear.
  "Why would I tell you? Maybe I should be asking you that question!" He stops three aisles away, looking shocked.
  "You mean you don't know me?" I grind my teeth at his mockery, what does he want? I stand up.
  "No, I don't know who you are", I cross my arms over my chest as he comes a step closer.
  "I am the lord of Vampires, I make people's nightmares realities, the great Abaddon", smiles cruelly and steps closer, one aisle away.
  "I still don't know you", he sighs and rolls his eyes, like I'm his annoying little sister.
  "I am here to destroy this pathetic world. It's an obstacle in my plan, but you have proven yourself worthy to my army.", I step back as he stands in front of the aisle I stand in, luckily the chunk of ceiling was blocking his way.
  "I still don't understand", he sighs again. This guy, or monster, was freaking me out.
  "You are important to my plan", He puts his hands under the chunk of ceiling, three feet away from me.
  "You see, I want to destroy this planet and use some people as my, guinea pigs". I step back as he throws it across the room, missing the Invisible Phantom by inches.
  "You are like no other human, you are special, I can tell", I step back, eyes wide.
  He pulls a vile from his jacket pocket; the black contents seemed to pull all of the light into it, not changing color at all. I step back so fast that I hit the wall.
Nowhere to go.
  "Now, if you don't mind. I would like to get out of this putrid place as soon as possible, so please cooperate", He steps closer as he pulls a dagger from his other pocket.
  "No", I watch as he fills the dagger with the black liquid, like a needle, a really big needle.
I look over at Lindsey's dead body. I shake my head, angry now. Hot anger boils under my skin as I turn back to Abaddon.
  "You're a monster!" Abaddon smiles and lifts the knife.
  "Am I?" I turn away as he brings the dagger down. I scream louder than I ever had as the knife plunges into my back. I scream again as my skin tears and burns.
My vision turns foggy as my body goes numb.
  "I'm only doing what's best for you", Abaddon laughs and turns away.
And everything goes dark.

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