Tabby Cat leered at the camera for all to see, then stomped on the back of her victims head. A crackling sound of cartilage echoed. The man screamed in agony.

Nick shook his head. "How do people find this entertaining? It's absolutely barbaric."

The others didn't say a word. Their silence spoke for them. Watching the screen, they were appalled by the apparent change their friend had succumbed to.

In the depths of the shadows, they could see Abby creep along the wall. She was watching everything unfold, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Tabby Cat's attention swivelled in Abby's direction. Their eyes locked. Everyone's blood ran cold. Fear held onto their throats causing them to gasp with anticipation.

"We can't just stand here and watch this," Tony muttered, wringing his hands together. "We have to help."

"There's not much we can do," Ford muttered. He drew a deep breath and ground his teeth. "You guys owe me big time for this."

Without a second thought, Ford grabbed his own phone from his pocket and dialled a number. He pressed the phone to his ear. The tone ringed as each passing second dripped from the nexus of time.

"Mr Addington, I have some good news..."

Nick and Tony frowned and stared at Ford.

"I know the whereabouts of Contestant Sixty-Four."

"You bastard," Nick grumbled, glaring at the piece of shit that was Ford.

He grabbed the man's collar and tightened his grip. Ford grinned with the phone still at his ear.

"Yeah, that's right Mr. Addington. I can bring you what you want so you make an example of him. All I ask in return is one small favour."

Nick shook his head. "You better not–"

"Track this phone with its GPS coordinates and tap into it. I need to know the GPS location from the external source connected to my phone. I'll provide the information after the location is confirmed."

With his head held high, Ford stared down at Nick with his newfound courage.

"Cool," Ford said with a twinkle in his eye. "I'll connect the external source now."

With haste, he spun round and dashed for the open door. Before the men had time to give chase, he locked it. His footsteps thudded around as he trampled towards the study. Rummaging through his desk drawer full of various tech, he found the dual connector.

The sound of wood cracked. A loud bang echoed out. Something thudded against the wall. Exiting the study, Ford stared down the long hallway. Nick stood at the end with perspiration dripping from his body. He went straight for Ford with pure rage on his countenance.

Ford connected the phones and raised the phone to his ear. "They're connected. Send the coordinates through an encrypted email."

With Tony tailing behind Nick, Ford strode into the living room and placed the phones on his couch. He spun round and met Nick's fist. The blow landed against the side of his cheek. He staggered, trying to regain his balance.

"You fucking traitor," Nick shouted.

"It was for Ab–"

Nick threw another punch. Ford collected his wits and deflected the blow. He stepped back, glancing at the phone. It glowed and flickered. A beep sounded from his phone. He turned his attention back to Nick and a blow struck him on the nose.

A crackle sounded. Blood splattered onto the floor. Ford stepped back and plopped himself onto the couch. Holding his broken nose, he tried to stop the blood flow, but his attempt was futile.

"You did it for yourself, you arsehole. I know you want her back," Nick shouted, his fists clenched by his sides.

Tony placed a hand on Nick's shoulder. "He's not worth it man. You're better than him."

Ignoring the two assailants, Ford grabbed both phones and stared at the screens. His eyes gazed at the two before him. Both men had stern looks about them with furrowed brows and tight lips. Their eyes showed nothing but hatred and contempt.

"Why not bring The Hunt to the Dark Web," Ford announced, trying to defend himself. "That's what they want anyway, isn't it?"

Nick shook his head in dismay. "But that endangers everyone's lives including Abby's! You're a fucking fool!"

Tony tightened his hold on Nick's shoulder. "This won't get us anywhere. Let's just get the coordinates and be done with him."

"If you think I'm not coming, you're wrong," Ford spat. "And for the record, in case you haven't noticed, her life is in some pretty shit thick danger right now already."

"He'll try and destroy the resistance, as well as Abby. You've signed her fucking death sentence," Nick shouted, his face red from heated rage.

He spat at Ford's feet and strode out of the room, slamming the front door behind him. A foreboding silence filled the room while the two men stared at each other. The tension could be cut with a knife. There was no trust among enemies.

"We haven't got time," Tony muttered, extending his arm.

Ford checked the email and stared at the coordinates. He gasped.

"You're never going to believe where The Underground is."

Tony frowned and shrugged his shoulders. "Spill the beans..."

"It's on Westcott's turf downtown. Even I didn't realize they were involved in this..."

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