Betrayal (Chapter seven)

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Faith's P.O.V 

"I'm scared.." I breathe. 

"Of what, a party?" Niall asks confused. 

"Yes.." I whisper. Niall stops me outside the door, and pulls me into a comforting hug, his hands running my back gently. 

"Why?" he whispers his breath softly tickling my ear. 

"I have claustrophobia.." I sigh. 

"Look, if it's too crowded in there for you I'll go outside with you if you like?" he breathes. 

"Thank you," I said giving him an extra squeeze. 

The door swings open, a short girl, very pretty with wild blonde curly hair stands there. 

"Oh!" she pipes. Me and Niall break apart, I can feel my cheeks flushing a bit. 

"Leanne!" Niall grins hugging the petite blonde girl. 

"Hey Nialler! Long time no see, and you must be Faith?" she grins at me. I nod. 

"Hey Leanne, thanks for letting me come." I smile at her. 

"Hey hey, no worries! Come in!" she says stepping back, Niall walks in an I follow him, Leanne grabs my arm. 

"Nialler has told me loads about you, he doesnt shut his trap about you!" Leanne squeaks, her breath smelling of alcohol. My heart beats faster, he doesn't stop talking about me!? 

"I'm so proud of my little bro, finally finding a girly! She's very beautiful too!" Leanne giggles, I flush a pink colour. What does she mean, finding a girl? 

"Thank you!" I smile, luckily her house is pretty big do it's not a tight squeeze. 

Niall comes and wraps his arms around my stomach. 

"Hey beautiful." he whispers, my stomach goes into that warm feeling it usually does when I hear his adorable accent. 

"Shots?" he grins pulling away. 

I shake my head thinking about my parents when they're drunk.. 

"Oh, come on! One won't do anything!" Niall says. 

"No thanks.." I said looking over to the floor, watching Niall join a circle of people surrounding a table all holding a shot of vodka. 

"One, two, THREE!" they all chant, taking the shot at the same time. I feeling of upset and betrayal as I see Niall flirting with a girl standing next to him. I sigh turning around heading for the garden until I feel someone grab my arm, Niall? 

My heart drops when I find out it's Jay, but I love Jay anyway! 

"Jay!" I shriek, jumping on him doing our usual bear hug where he lifts me off the ground and spins me around. I look at Niall from the corner of my eye, I can see his smile drop to a look of annoyance and betrayal. He doesn't know how close me and Jay really are. 

"Faith! How are you princess?" Jay replies putting me down gently. 

"I'm perfect thank you!" I smile hiding my upset feeling. 

"Good girl!" he chuckles. I glance over at Niall quickly, he's still watching me but now he's getting real close with the girl, whispering in her ear like he did with me earlier.

Why is he being so childish? Trying to make me jealous because I what? Hugged my best friend?

I sigh not wanting to watch anymore, I trail outside grabbing Jay and pulling him behind me. I sigh sitting on the wall, Jay sits next me realising that I look upset, he puts an arm around me. 

Save you tonight (A Niall Horan fan fiction love story)Where stories live. Discover now