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10 minutes later (food has arrived)

"I haven't seen you in a while you look beautiful" she said hugging me and I hugged back "I thought you weren't going to come" she said "now you know I like red lobster"I said laughing "so who is this your girlfriend" she said looking at Paris "y-yes she is" I said and she was shook
"Wow I thought you would not like girls anyone" "MOM!" I said "stop okay I'm not going to stop liking girls OKAY.

"June I'm sorry for what I have did in the past but you are my everything and I can't hate you for being with someone you love I'm sorry"she said crying " mom why did you beat me" I said tear's building up "I was mad between work and your dad and your sister having a baby, I was stressed and you liking girls just topped everything and I took it out on you im s-sorry I r-really am"she said crying." You should have told me before you beat my ass OKAY" I said "but next time you say something bad about me and her I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" I said" I get it" she said now she was looking at paris"im sorry what is your name?" she said "paris nice to meet you" NOT you fucking beat my girlfriend paris thought.

"Okay I got crab legs let's eat" I said we talked till we got done and asked for the check and payed "well when will you visit again ma?" I asked "I don't know I have work but I will tell you okay"she said hugging me "okay
I said hugging her back "it was nice to meet you paris please take care of her and make sure she doesn't hurt herself she is clumsy and make sure she doesn't burn any-" I cut her off "okay we get it ma" I said"trust me I will nice meeting you too" paris said "well I will be going bye"my mom said walking away waving "bye~"we both said,she then got in the car.

"Who was you texting" i said looking at Paris " JoJo" she said walking I stopped and looked at her "oh she is done for when I'm done"I thought "but I thought you said he was going to sleep" I said walking up to her "I was bored so I texted h-" I cut her off and pulled her in the car "your in big trouble when we get back" I said starting the car.

"Wait what did I did" paris said "I will tell you baby" i said 2 minutes later
We are at the dorm I pulled her out the car and threw her over my shoulder "put me down!"paris said yelling,I then hit her ass "shut up!"I said I was not mad I just wanted her to be scared I was just going to make out with her for a few.

When we got in I put her down on the bed and got on top "now baby why did you ignore me" I said looking at her sexual "i-i d-don't k-know I'm sorry please don't punish me over this" she said looking cute and innocent but is NOT " baby it's okay I wasn't going to punish you"I said laughing "WHAT!" she said sitting up "hey you better watch your mouth I can still punish you GOT IT!" I can be intimidating because my voice is deep and I look mean but I don't know why.

"Yes baby" she said bitting her bottom lip. "see that is going to-" she cut me off with a kiss"you talk to much" she said I just laughed and kissed her back we did make out but had to stop because we had to take a shower.


Small smut*

When we were done we got in bed " good night baby and your not going on a date with him got it" i said, but I can if i- mmm don't do t-that" I cut her off by rubbing her womanhood "what did you say baby I didn't hear you" I said teasing her.

"I s-said ahhh mhhhhmm stop I just got out the shower" she said I keep going faster " but you don't want me to stop do you" I said teasing " I hate you mhm ugh omg~" I then stop when she was about to cum "w-why did you stop" she said looking at me and pouted "but you told me to stop" i said laughing she then put my hand back "keep going" she said turning back around "whatever you say" I then took her by surprise and starting going faster " omg omg omg ahhh baby uhh" she then came "omg see you started this "she said my hand was tired and I fell asleep , Paris then had to take a another shower and then got back in bed and went to sleep.


The smut just happened 🤨😌


Peace 🤯👌🙄😝 Happy New year

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