Chapter 6

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Anastasia Kingsley

Anastasia is my step sister. Why haven't I mentioned her before? Well because I just hate talking about her. But I'll tell you because we're friends right? ;)

Full name:  Anastasia Katarina Emeralda Kingsley ||

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Full name: Anastasia Katarina Emeralda Kingsley ||. Fancy right? Her parents were crazy rich. But when her mother, Natalie cheated on her father. He filed for a divorce and a year later Natalie had lost almost every penny that she had. Sooo here is where my father comes into the picture. My father owns Anderson enterprises, which means that he obviously has a pretty nice lifestyle.

When my mother passed, my father became extremely depressed. He went into a drug phase. Always when he'd lose control. I'd be there to bring him back on track.

Natalie tells everyone when they ask how she and my father met, that she saved him. Like saved him from everything that was going on his life. Which is not true at all. It was me. I was the one that would find him passed out on the floor. I'd drag him to the nearest sofa, and I was the one who put several carpets on top of his sleeping body. I was the one who always had a mini heart attack every time I would come home and see him lying lifelessly on the bathroom floor. I was the one who had to call an ambulance 3 times a week. It was me.

My mother was the most alive person I've ever met. Her eyes showed pure happiness. She would always give me hugs when I came home from school. She was always there for me.

Flashback 27th of August. 5 years ago.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I pushed my head further into my pink pillow. School is terrible I don't ever want to go ever again! Adriana and Emma are so mean to me. Just because I don't have the new Gucci bag!

There could be heard two faint knocks on my door. I quickly look up from the pillow and at the door.

"Who is i-t?" I ask, my voice is shaky and breaks at the end.

"It's me pumpkin. Can I come in?" An angelic voice says carefully from behind the door. It was my mum.

"No, I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU, GO AWAY!!" I scream and burst into tears once again.

Gaias pov (aquellas mum)

"No, I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU, GO AWAY!!" My daughter screams as she bursts into tears. My heart break every time I hear her cry.

I take a deep breath and as I am about to knock on the door again I get an idea that might cheer her up.

I run down the stairs and as I open the door, I can see Harry walking towards me with a big smile.

"Where are you going honey?" He says and gives me a big hug. I pull away and say quickly. "Aquella is very sad, it was some girls at school. I'm going to go find something that will cheer her up!"

I go into my Mercedes and pull out of the driveway. I drive through the city and I arrive at the cute vintage shop that Aqua and I went to this weekend. I walk through the door as it rings to let the workers know that a costumer is in the shop. I walk to a bookshelf that is filled with old books. I look through the books and I find the one I'm searching for. "100 ways to make your room a magical place." It was an old book from the 30s. Aquella saw the book and begged me for it. I didn't think much of it and denied. Interior is one of her passions so I think that this might cheer her up.

Gaia took the book from the shelf and paid for it. She got the nice old woman behind the cashier if she could wrap it up. The old woman did. The book was wrapped in a pastel pink box with a white bow that had golden details on it.

Gaia took the gift and put it in the backseat of her matte black Mercedes. She put the seatbelt and made sure that the gift was secured, like a baby. Gaia laughed at her silliness but still had the gist in the seat belt. She got in the drives seat and started the car.

There was very bad traffic in Phoenix so Gaia decided to take a shortcut to her house. The road was old and it had a lot of holes in it. The trees around the lonely road swayed peacefully because of the wind. The sun was shining. It was a beautiful August summer day. One of the wheels on the car went into one of the small holes and the car shook a little. Nothing serious but Gaia looked in backseat to see if the gift packaging was okay. It was, and Gaia looked back on the road.

Is that car supposed to be on that side of the road? No wait I'm on the wrong side!

She didn't have time to react as the big truck slammed into the small Mercedes. Birds flew into the sky because of the loud sound. The wind had stopped blowing and it was like the earth stopped spinning.

Aquellas pov

My mother died, and it was because of me.

I walk into my room and jump straight to bed. I look up at the silver chandelier that hangs above my king sized bed. Shortly after just staring out in the air my eyelids feel heavy and I fall into deep sleep.

 Shortly after just staring out in the air my eyelids feel heavy and I fall into deep sleep

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I felt like writing a chapter dedicated to Aquellas mother. Now you guys know her a little more because she is an important part of the story:)

Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter because I certainly did :)

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