Finally alone..

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Part 21:

Hailie was running. She ran down a dark alley way, her heels clicking. Beads of sweat ran down her face. She panted. She had been running for ages. She hid around the corner, stopping to check the bag she was carrying. No phone. Nothing. Empty. Hailie threw the bag into the dark of the alley. "oh Hailie? Where are you..?" so that's why she was running. Conor was after her. She looked round the corner, and he was standing right there. Hailie tried to make a run for it, but her grabbed her wrist and slammed her against the wall. He began kissing her, and she tried to scream. He slapped her face. "shut up!" he ran his hand up her thigh. "HARRY!!" Hailie screamed. "I warned you!" he brought out a knife from his pocket. Hailie screamed, thrashing around as he made deep cuts in her thighs. Suddenly she was shaken, and her eyes flew open. Her pupils contracted as a bright light met her eyes. "doctor!!" Harry's voice was distant. She reached out for him, she couldn't feel or see anything. "HARRY?! HARRY HELP HE'S HURTING ME! I CAN'T STOP HIM!" she screamed. "nurse!" Hailie gasped as she felt a long, cold metal needle slide under her skin, spreading warm liquid throughout her veins. Her heart rate slowed down, and she stopped hyperventilating. Her eyelids were pushed closed, and then opened. She could see once again. Sitting in the hospital room, were Harry, Zayn, and Niall. Niall was crying into Zayn's shoulder, while Harry rocked in his chair, pulling at his curls. Hailie cleared her throat. "boys?" they all looked up. "what's wrong?" Zayn said. Hailie had tears running down her face. "I can't feel anything!" Harry took a deep breath, then took her hand. "you've been numbed for a few hours, love, you nearly gave yourself a heart attack, quite literally" Hailie looked at her lap. "so it's kind of like.. Semi-permanent paralysation?" Harry nodded. "you'll be able to feel everything by one o'clock tomorrow" Hailie sighed. "what time is it now?" Harry looked at his watch. "uhh.. One o'clock in the morning" Hailie nodded. "you should all go home, get some rest" she said sleepily. "no way! After what happened just there, we're all staying with you!" Niall wiped a tear from his face. "but I don't want you to have a restless night because of my nightmares" Zayn shook his head. "Hailie, if we cared that much about sleep, we'd be at home in bed like Louis and Liam" she nodded. "I'm hungry" Niall and Hailie said together, before laughing. "you two get hungry at the oddest of times, honestly!" Niall smiled. "can we get food, Zayn?" Zayn patted Niall's shoulder, and threw his arm around his neck. "c'mon, Baby Nando's, let's go get you some" Niall punched the air. "yes! Nandoooooo's!" Niall turned around before leaving. "what do you want, Hailie?" she smiled. "my usual" he nodded, and left. Harry closed the door. "ugh, finally, I have you all to myself" Hailie said. "too bad you can't move" Harry sighed. "no, but you can" she winked. Hailie pushed over in the bed, making room for Harry. He climbed in beside her. "oh my lord you're freezing!" he put and arm around her. "well, there's not much clothing on me, only this hospital thingy!" she pulled at it. Harry kissed her passionately, distracting her from how cold she was, sending chills down her spine. "I love you, Hailie" she smiled, and kissed him one more time, before resting her head on his chest. "I love you too, Haz" she listened to his heartbeat as she waited for Zayn and Niall to come back with the food.


Ahhhh! Even when Conor's not around, he causes trouble!

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