His ears popped and he felt himself fall to his left, onto the crappy periodic table poster that was tacked on the wall. The poster fell onto a few kids that were sleeping. They still didn't wake up, he assumed they were just dead.

Hyuck bent over, clutching his stomach as he laughed hysterically, punching the table and making Jaemin spill his popcorn all over the place.

"There's no way you can find that funny every damn time it happens, Hyuck." Jeno complained, rolling around on the wall like he was having a little temper tantrum.

Unfortunately, Jeno's ear was right next to the speaker when the bell signifying the end of the class rang. He cringed as he covered his ear with his hand, sending Hyuck into a huge fit of laughter. The guy was rolling around on the floor and kicking his feet as he giggled uncontrollably.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and stood up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder before bending down next to Hyuck. He knew that he'd be in this state for a while, so he decided he might as well just drag him to their next class. His hands wrapped around the male's ankles and he started making his way backwards, sliding the laughing idiot across the floor.

As Jaemin made it through the door with his friend, Jeno sat on the edge of the doorway. He was preparing himself before making the jump out the door, falling through the hallway and onto some lockers. The lockers were completely busted from all of the times he had to repeat this ritual, covered in dents.

The next few classes they suffered weren't nearly as entertaining. The teachers in those classes actually functioned like normal human beings.

After a few hours of boring lectures, it was finally time for lunch.

The rowdy bunch of teens constantly had a lunch table full of hormones or aggression. If they weren't going at each other's throats and throwing food at each other, they were all making out shamelessly in the fucking cafeteria.

Today was one of the days full of hormones. It was the day they served tacos, but the tacos the school serves are possibly toxic. Haechan even tried to see what would happen if he set one on fire before, the bitch fucking exploded. He called them pyrotacos. What were they even putting in that shit? Anyway, why eat that poison when they can just make out with each other?

Jaemin and Jeno were making out Spider-Man style. Jeno stood up from the ceiling and locked lips with his lover, passionately sucking face. Haechan had some random guy again, they were also making out and groping each other. No one knew that dude, he didn't even go to the school.

They weren't the only ones at their lunch table, they had a few other friends that ate with them. Lucas and Jungwoo who were actually banging underneath the cafeteria table, Johnny and Ten who were having a contest to see who could make a darker hickey, and then there was Mark. Poor guy. As everyone else at the table spread their STDs, he was forced to sit there awkwardly, hiding his face in his Twilight book and sobbing obnoxiously.

Just three more classes, and they were headed back home. Jaemin and Hyuck always had to hold both of Jeno's arms as they walked to Jaemin's car. If they let go, Jeno would totally just fall into space and die.

After their usual struggle with that conflict, the three males were in the crappy piece of metal that Jaemin called his car.

"You know, I think it's time to let ol' Linda go." Hyuck suggested, rubbing the dashboard of the car as Jaemin struggled to get it to start.

"Hey!" Jaemin smacked Hyuck's hand and scoffed. "First of all, her name is Karen. Secondly, stop groping her you perv." The car's engine sputtered to life with a disgusting noise. It sounded like a few rats might have crawled out of her engine as well, and Jaemin started driving.

"Why can't I drive?" Hyuck sighed, putting his feet up on the dashboard. He got the message from Jaemin's threatening glare and put his feet back down, not wanting a smack in the face. "My car is so much nicer."

"You can't drive because you're terrible at it." Jaemin answered like it was completely obvious, and it was obvious. "You literally drove through the side of a Dairy Queen for fucks sake."

"In my defense, I was giving someone a handjob while I was driving and they nutted on my new shirt." You could see the pure regret on Hyuck's face as he described the incident. "I got kinda mad and started beating him up. That's when I drove through the wall."

Jaemin was already driving as he listened to Hyuck's explanation, his expression untouched since he was used to shit like that from him. "That's disgusting."

"No, you." Hyuck's tragic comeback made Jaemin's head hurt. "You know what's weird? Jeno has been awfully quiet." He pointed out, turning to see that he was asleep on the back of the seats. That was fortunate. He'd usually fall asleep and end up flying into the front of the car, giving Jaemin a face full of ass when he was trying to drive.

Jaemin joined Hyuck and looked back at Jeno. He enjoyed how cute he looked when he was sleeping, staring at him instead of driving the damn car.

"Jaemin!" Hyuck squealed, tugging on his sleeve. "Talk about distracted driving."

"Sorry." He apologized, facing forward and putting his attention back on the road. "Hey, since Jeno's asleep, can we talk about something?"

Hyuck's eyes widened and he placed a hand on his chest. "Are you trying to get into my pants right now?"

"No, you fucking idiot." Jaemin laughed. "I need advice. You're probably the most educated about... yaknow... that I know."

"Are you asking me for sex advice right now? Ask on." Hyuck replied with a smug look on his face, knowing he could look smart for once with all of his experience with such a thing.

"So Jeno and I haven't really done the deed before. There's just a little problem. He can't even lay on a bed like a normal person for crying out loud." Jaemin explained. "What position would work the best?"

"Look, sometimes he can be on the wall. Just get against the wall, he can get on top of you like that and viola." He explained, using very graphic motions with his hands to show a visual representation. "I wonder if his cum does that weird shit too." He ventured.

"Okay, that's enough Hyuck thanks for that." Jaemin laughed nervously as he stopped the car at Hyuck's house, urging him to get out with shooing hand motions.

"Oh god." Hyuck squeaked dramatically, looking down at Jaemin's crotch. So maybe he let the scene play out in his head as Hyuck described it, being fucked against the wall by Jeno. That was obviously a bad idea.

"Just leave, headass!" Jaemin yelled, pushing Hyuck to the side and trying to get him to leave the car.

He nodded and quickly got out, grabbing his backpack and running to his front door dramatically.

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