Endangered Enforcers Part 3

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A video feed shows up on the lion's screens to show Keith, slightly out of breath, smiling widely.

"Hey guys. Looks like I got here just in time. Did ya miss me?" Keith asks.

"Of course!" Hunk yells.

"It's good to see you mullet," Lance smiles in relief.

"Thank you!" Pidge thanks him.

"I missed you Keith," Shiro smiles warmly.

"Alright paladins. The cannon is temporarily out of order and we have the four lions. We can retrieve the black lion and form Voltron now! We have a chance! Return immediately!" Allura orders and the paladins obey.

In the Castle of Lions, the four claimed lions wait by the door securing the black lion as Shiro stands before it.

"Why isn't anything happening?" Shiro asks.

"I don't know. It should," Allura says desperately.

Hunk, Pidge, Lance and Coran all start panicking and Keith facepalms. He hears the lions laugh.

"Oh shut it you lot!" Keith growls.

This gets the others to be quiet, making Keith turn to them and say, "Not you guys. Them," and points at the lions.

"You can hear the lions?" Allura asks Keith as everyone stares in shock.


"Amazing... Do you know why they won't unlock this door?" Allura breaths.

"Yes. They are waiting for you to ask nicely."

"Wait, as in please?" Lance asks in disbelief.

"Yes," Keith deadpans.

The paladins do this and the lions all roar to show Shiro is the new Black Paladin. Coran cheers and Allura is relieved. The Castle's alarms blare to alert them Sendak's warship is approaching again.

"Oh, Quiznak! They're back," Coran calls.

"Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere. We need Voltron now!" Allura cries and Shiro runs and enters the Black Lion and all five lions launch from the Castleship.

"The ion cannon is back online!" The higher ranking Galra reported.

"Fire!" Sendak ordered and the warships fires its cannon and blasts the Castleship; everyone is shaken from the blast, but survives.

"Man, those Galra guys repair things fast," Hunk observes.

"The barrier gets weaker with every blast. Once that shield goes down, the Castle will be defenceless," Coran informs them.

"I can give you cover with the Castle defenses for a while, but you have to form Voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!" Allura orders them.

"Jeez, no pressure," Hunk replies as a second blast from the ion cannon hits, weakening the barrier.

"Listen up, Team Voltron! The only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! This looks bad, but we can do this! Are you with me?" Shiro yells.

Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Keith all nod silently in reply.

"I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asks, worriedly.

"Yes," Lance, Pidge and Keith reply.

"Let's do this!" Shiro yells.

The lions run forward and exit the barrier under heavy fire from Galra fighter jets. Keith immediately hears all the lions roaring in anticipation for the upcoming battle.

Survival of the Innocent (A Voltron fanfic) (Book 1 of Fates Entwined)Where stories live. Discover now