I will

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I may be caged now,
But I won't be for much longer
Soon I will be set free from my cage
My wings will be able to spread
And I will fly
I will fly as far away as possible
I will leave behind the negativity
I will leave behind the people who tell me what I can and can't do
I will leave behind the chains
And I will gain my freedom
I will gain my life
I will gain my love
They will be mine
All mine
They will be mine
I will be free to choose
I will be free to go and do
I will have a life that is my own
I will have a life I can control
I will have a love that is mine
I will have a love that is free
I will have a love that loves me for me
It will all be new
I will be seeing the world with new eyes
my vision will no longer be obstructed by bars
And my wings will no longer be bound
I will fly
With my love
And my life
And I will be free

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