Idea 3

10 2 0

Humanity has fallen to some disease. It has the capability to render the dead lifeless, who intend to infect, but not kill, uninflected. If a person reaches a certain capacity of bacteria/viruses inside them, they will become sentient, evil, and extraordinarily powerful physically. A actually rather well known cure exists, but it's hard to administer because the infected do everything in their power to not be cured, and there isn't any form of cure that can be administered without blood contacts. A person with a family in (insert country to be last safe place on Earth here) wanders city to city in England/Australia/any continent/country large enough for multiple cities, working as a sort of hunter of these powerful creatures and freeing the living citizens of the cities. There is an airport that goes to the safe country, but it's in the city with the most powerful creature on Earth, and MC should probably defeat them to see what happens.

Bonus Points For:
Fantasy Elements
Choosing a Non-American country for the main setting.
Setting with future tech
Making the infected inhuman- like vampires or werewolves- instead of a virus
Different types of infected
A bigger secret that MC finds out
MC being infected, but the virus works... differently for them
Society still goes on, but most people are slaves to the infected, who take positions of power in the cities MC visits.

Negative points for:
Literally no other characters- there are survivors, you know.
Past setting cuz it kind of doesn't work
Fan fictions of any kind
Making infected mindless zombies-they are still human.

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