Chapter Sixteen: The Baby

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I run through the hospital looking for room 508. Archer is hot on my trial.

“Can you please slow down.” He calls. But his call fall upon deaf ears, in fact, I think I actually speed up a bit.

When I see the room I turn into it, my gaze frantic. I finally make eye contact with her, and I can see in her eyes that she needs me. I rush to my friends side as she begins to cry out in pain. I shush her, running my hands through her matted hair.

“It’ll be okay.” I tell her. “How far along is she?”

“She just reached ten centimeters. She’s ready to push” The nurse responds.

“Alright, ten centimeters. It’ll be over in just a bit.” I reassure her.

I motion Shawn over and his pacing in the corner ceases.

“Look, this baby is coming out whether your ready or not. So get over here and help her through this.” I tell him.

He rushes over to Robyn’s side and grips her hand. The doctor walks in with glove covered hands and a throng of nurses hang back awaiting the arrival of baby Elis.

“Alright Robyn, I’m going to need you to push.” The doctor says, getting her hands in position.

Robyn takes a deep breath in and begins pushing. Once she stops, she pants trying to catch her breath.

“That was great! Just a few more and your baby boy will be here.”

The pushing lasts for a total of ten more minutes before the sound of crying erupts through the chaotic room. And it’s not just from the baby.

At the sound of her son entering the world, Robyn breaks down holding onto Shawn as if he’s her source of life. He reciprocates the action before going to cut the umbilical cord. They clean Elis up and bring him back to his parents. They place him on Robyn’s bare chest and her tears only multiply.

“Hi baby.” She coos as she rocks the child to sleep. Shawn leans on her shoulder, taking in the new member of his family. I walk closer to them, putting a hand on Robyn’s unoccupied shoulder.


She smiles up at me, looking ready to fall asleep herself. Shawn gets up and gives me a hug.

“Thanks for coming.”

“No problem.”

With a silent goodbye, I exit the hospital room and meet Archer who is standing against the wall focused on his phone. At the sound of my exit, he puts the device back into his pocket and pushes off the wall. He walks over to me and puts an arm around my shoulder escorting me from the hospital.

“You don’t want to see that baby?” I ask.

“I’ll be living with him. I think I can wait a couple of days.”

We continue through the busy hallways until he breaks the silence.

“We should do that one day.”

“Do what?”

“Have a kid.”

I stop dead in my tracks. He turns and looks at me with a cocked eyebrow.


“Did you just ask me to have your kids?”

“Yeah, why not? It’s not like we wouldn’t have fun making them anyways.” He replies with a smirk.

I shake my head, at a loss of words and begin to walk past him, but he stops me, pressing my back into his chest and bringing his lips down to my ear.

“We could even start tonight if you want.”

I shiver at the suggestion, getting all hot and bothered in the middle of the maternity ward.

“No objections I presume.” He continues.

At my silence he releases me with smirk and walks to the elevator with me following like the love sick puppy I am. When he finally make it ot the first floor we head towards the door but the sound of my name being called stops us. I turn me head and see Archer’s mom racing towards us.

“Layla. Did you get my messages?”

“No. What’s wrong?”

She looks to me with a concerned look. “Well since you’re already here we can just talk now. Come this way.” She begins to lead us down corridor before turning back around and eyeing Archer.

“What happened to your eye?”

“Colin.” He responds calmly.

He sighs heavily, and with a shake of the head, continues down the hallway. We come into an empty room and she motions for me to sit on the bed.

“I’ve got some news.”

“What’s up?”

“Well I was talking with Brian about your treatment and he said that they were not really working.”

“They’re not, that’s why I haven’t had one in a while.”

“Right. So a colleague of mine told me about a sort of, what shall we call it, ‘temporary cure’ for FOP. It’s a kind of gene therapy that would essentially delay if not stop the progression of your illness.”

My heart jumps into my throat.

“Well that’s great! Where do I sign up?”

“But there’s one more thing. The treatment is still very experimental, in fact, if you underwent it you would be considered a trial participant.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“Well, the procedure only has one good outcome. Either you get off the table without little to no complications afterwards or… you don’t.”

“What’s the survival rate?” I ask, my throat becoming dryer by the second.

“1.24 percent.”

My heart stops. Before I have the chance to respond Archer interjects.

“She’s not doing it.”


“No. I don’t care what you have to say, you’re not even going to consider it.” He orders, coming towards me.

“Archer, she is an adult. She does not need your consent to do anything.” Madison reprimands.

“No offence mom, but I really couldn’t care less. She’s not doing it. End of story.”

He storms out of the room leaving Madison wide-eyed. She turns to me looking for an answer but my mind is too frazzled to even process anything.

“I’ll think about. I’ll call you later, okay?”

Without waiting for her response, I walk out the room and out to my car where Archer is seething in the driver’s seat.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I know you haven't heard a lot about Robyn and Shawn lately but they are doing just great.

Question time.

Do you think Layla will be the operation?

Anyways there are three chapters left in this book and they will be going up between today and tommorow. After that I will take a two month long break and edit this book after that. My new books will be coming out at the end of February so look out for those.

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the year!


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