Meet charlotte

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Full name-Charlotte galaxy

Nickname:Forset lady(the best I can up with) Fl,archer,bow and Arrow BA,katana,animal girl AG,heart breaker HB

Age:18 forever because of the deal with the devil

Gender:female but everyone thinks she a boy

Eye color:one black and one white

Hair color:light brown with a bit of dark brown

Height:4'11 (I'm short to don't question it)


Blood type:B+

Birthday:October 31,2004

Sarcastic,cares but doesn't show it,strong,anger issues,does care about other people, very protective,dirty minded,tomboy

Strength:smart,does her own training,braver


Species:half demon but she can control it

Scars:across her eye,hands,and back

Psychical Heath:not bad

Mental health:Horrible

Voice:can change if she wants to but normal

Likes:the forest,food,sleep,video games,climbing trees,dark blue

Dislikes:perverts,abuser,pink,dresses,someone touching anything of hers,

Family:her little sister Annie

Lover:doesn't have one yet

Backstory:Charlotte had a normal life had with her mom and and her little Annie. When she was little charlotte had taken class of how to defend her self and her family she had two different eye color one black and one white people kept calling her name but she didn't care she but Charlotte at a little something wrong with her her anger issues cause her mental heath go down she started to see things hear things she never told anyone but her family about it her mom died from a disease they had to move where the forest is there she loved walking in to forest with her little sister her dad had to work late and then get back in the morning after school she would wake in the forest she didn't care about the rumors for her 16th birthday she got an bow and arrows and a katana she takes then everywhere she goes she called her childish because she acted like a child sometimes but one day as she was walking home  she walked inside to see everything messed up she looked around and saw nothing she looked in the kitchen and saw her dad with glass shards in his chest her eyes widen and she ran Into her sister room to find it was broken up she looked around to find her sister nailed to the wall she cried as her family was killed she wiped her tears and promise to find the man or woman who killed her dad and sisters she grabbed what she need to survive in the forest and her bow and arrow and her katana and walked out. Years later she made and deal with the devil he said he help her find out who killed her dad and sister but instead turned her into a demon.Some please say she still lives in the woods other people say she died.She found a place to live in the woods a small cabin but she made it work

She found a place to live in the woods a small cabin but she made it work

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What she looks like when she outside of the woods


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