Part 13

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A/N- sorry if this story is confusing at all. it's hard to write two stories about the same people at the same time. sry for the possible inconvenience.
A month later
Ellie's POV
Work had been getting harder since sitting was becoming more uncomfortable. I only had a few more months. Nick and I were both starting to stress about getting the nursery decorated and about being parents in general. Today was no different. "Agent Bishop," Director Vance said from the upstairs balcony. I went to walk up the stairs to meet him. "Take the elevator," he said before i could begin scaling the stairs. I laughed and turned toward the elevator.
"So, we need to discuss the next few months. I'm not a woman, and I've never experienced pregnancy, but I know things are about to get rough," he said as we sat down at the table in his office. "Yeah, it's already pretty rough," I said. "So, you have a couple of options for maternity leave," he said. I nodded. "Your first option is to start maternity at 35 weeks, so about a month before your due date. Your second option is to continue coming to work until you have the baby. I'd say that one is not the best since you could go into labor in the office. Your third option is to consult your doctor and we can make arrangements as he sees fit," the Director explained. "I think I'll talk to my doctor. I have an appointment tomorrow," I said. "Great, I expect an answer as soon as you decide, though," he said. "Will do. Thanks, Director," I said. He nodded as I left, riding the elevator down stairs and sitting back down at my desk.
After work, Nick and I went home and ate a dinner he and I cooked together. "So why'd the Director call you up today?" He asked. "To discuss maternity leave and all that good stuff," I said. "Does Gibbs know you have an appointment tomorrow?" He asked. "Yep, and you get to come as long as we don't get a case," I said happily. "I can't wait," he said, smiling.
We ate dinner and watched a movie. When I went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror at my huge stomach. I pulled my shirt up and saw all of the stretch marks that were appearing. They looked horrible. I'll probably never get to be as pretty as I used to be. I stepped on the scale and saw that I'd gained eight pounds since last week. I really was eating a lot. I don't like how big I looked. I went to the bathroom and kept thinking about how I looked. I felt tears coming to my eyes. It made me so much happier when people told me I was pretty, even though I rarely believed it myself, others did. Not anymore. Now I was just fat. And I'll still be fat after the baby is born.
I dried my tears and tried to make it look like I hadn't been crying before walking back to the living room. "You alright?" Nick asked when I got back. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said, smiling the best I could. He turned back to the movie, as did I. I felt him staring but I didn't want to look back at him. "Ellie?" He asked. "Hmm?" I mumbled. "Ellie, are you sure you're alright?" He asked. "I just feel fat. And I have ugly stretch marks. I don't like them," I said. "It's okay, babe. You're pregnant with our beautiful baby girl. You don't look fat. You look beautifully pregnant. And the stretch marks will go away. You'll always be beautiful to me," he said. I leaned on his shoulder. "You don't know that," I said. "Yes, Ellie. I do know that," he replied. He wrapped his arms around me. "I love you so much. Don't forget that," he said softly. "I love you too," I said.
The next day
Nick and I were waiting to be called back to see the nurse, talking quietly about work. "Eleanor Bishop?" The lady called. We stood up and followed her to a room. She took an ultrasound. "Your little girl looks healthy. Have you discussed maternity leave with your employer?" She asked. "Yes. He said that whenever you think it should start would be the right time," I said. "Alright. Let me go get the paperwork and I'll fill it out for you so you can take it to him later," she said. She soon cams back with a sheet of paper that she wrote a few things on. "Just sign this and give it to him next time you see him. He should discuss whatever steps are next afterwards," she said. I nodded, "Thanks."
Nick and I payed for the ultrasound and left the hospital.
I emailed the director when I got back to the office. "How was your appointment?" McGee asked when I stopped typing. "It was great. She's healthy and doing really well," I said. "Good, good," he replied. I soon got an email back from the director to go see him in his office.
"Agent Bishop, you said you have paperwork for me?" He said when I walked in. "Here you go. I was at the doctor's earlier and they said give it to you," I explained. He took the papers and looked at them. "The doctor suggests you start your maternity leave at thirty-three weeks just to be as safe as possible. Are you alright with that?" He asked. "Yes, sir. That sounds great. Thank you," I said. "Good. One less thing for us to worry about," he said. I smiled before getting up and walking out.
"Grab your gear. Dead Naval Officer in the Potomac," Gibbs barked only seconds after I sat back down. The guys all got up and left.
"What'd'we got?" Gibbs asked about thirty minutes after they got back. We all hopped up and headed to the plasma, or, well, for me, I slowly stood up and waddled over to the plasma. "Our victim is Jackson Smith, 37, wife and three kids, a two sons who are fourteen and nine and a daughter who is adopted who's three. He's from Sylvester, Georgia. It's a small town, not many people, didn't grow up with a lot of money," I said. "He's lived in D.C. since he enlisted when he was 18, married at age twenty one. Though money wasn't the motive, intel may be. He works on highly classified operations overseas, particularly in the planning of them. Whatever he knew was very valuable," Nick added. Gibbs walked away and towards the elevator.
I looked at the clock and sighed. It was 10:30. "Bishop, Torres, go home. McGee and I will keep working. It's okay," Gibbs said. I gladly stood up to leave, Nick doing the same.
We drove home and quickly got ready for bed. "I'm so ready to have our little girl in my arms," Nick said. I giggled. "Me too," I said. He smiled and looked into my eyes. "I love you so much, Ellie," he started. Then he leaned down to be level with the baby. "And I love you, too, baby girl," he said. He sat back up and kissed my lips before cuddling up next to me, pulling the covers up over both of us.
The next morning and work was rough. No one was getting good leads on our case. "Does anyone have anything?" Gibbs asked, clearly very frustrated. About fifteen minutes later, Nick jumped up. "Uh, Gibbs, I think I got something from those tire tracks at the crime scene," he said, pulling it up on the plasma. We all looked at it. "Kasie gave me the make and model, so I checked it against owners in the area, and I got a few people who are a bit sketchy. Monica Larson, Haleem Aswen, and John McHendleton all have the car used to dump the body and have some impressive records. Larson has a degree in computer sciences and used to work in the same building as Smith, but since she was fired, she had gotten quite the criminal record. Aswen grew up in a region Smith operated in, and his parents were killed by an attack he helped set up. McHendleton used to be an officer but was fired six months ago by Smith," Nick explained.
Within a few hours, all three suspects had been brought in. Jack and I watched from the rooms behind the interrogation rooms. The suspects had almost identical "alibis", if you could even call it that. They all claimed not to know each other, and they all said Smith had never caused them any trouble, though we knew none of it was true. Before long, all three cracked under Gibbs.
"Case closed," McGee said as the last accomplice signed their confession. I laughed. "Finally. Maybe we can have a calm weekend," I said. "Oh, B, you better not have jinxed us," Nick said. I touched my necklace gently, barely realizing I was. "I'm sure it'll be alright," I said. Then Gibbs walked in. "Grab your gear,"

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