Chapter 35- So Many Teenage P.O.V's. So Little Time.

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***Maddi's POV***

     Mum has been treating me like a child since the surgery and the fire-- My birthday is in a week, but i feel like I’m turning 6; not 16. I never leave her side, and when I do, its constant reminders on my phone to stay safe, and to come home before it’s late. I read, in some kind of old diary I had, my late night adventures i shared with Sully were my favourite, coming home late after junk-food runs and finding pathways along the river is what I craved to do day after day. But I was wrapped up in 'Zoë Drama' to even realize how much I missed those days with him. What was written had constant statements that say, 'Before its too late', 'Time is running out', and 'I don't want to forget what means the most.'

       Slowly, pieces were being put back together; Sully must be the kid who wanted me to leave when he was in distress in the fire... The boy I woke up too, on the verge of crying-- Telling me about the love he and I shared. I'd see why, whatever i wrote down day after day seemed like so much fun, and all of it just wasted away. I couldn't help but think what he's going through right now, what kind of scars the fire left him with. Love is a powerful thing that I took granted of without even realizing it. It’s been a week since the tragic day, but I'm not going back to that hospital, not again. I'll wait until he's out, I remember seeing a 'Sully!!!' contact on my phone, and I’ll wait a few days to call him.

     Does he even want to talk to me? I wanted to talk to him, I just don't know how.

***Sully's POV***

     I just keep hoping to myself, that the reason I haven't been visited yet, in this shit-hole of a hospital, is because Matilda just generally doesn't like this place. I see why, but it would be grand if she called, or messaged me somehow, there must have been a reason she stayed and tried to help me from underneath the burning beam. Her mind seemed set on that, and not the other potential people who were in danger of dying as well.

     I can finally tick off, 'near-death experience' off my bucket list. Or at least add it on, and then mark it off. I never really had, 'being trapped underneath a burning beam that held up the ceiling for shits and giggles' in mind, but now its all that was on my mind. The flames soaring around me, the searing pain of my skin melting off of my back, and legs, the lack of oxygen, and my hair singing off basically traumatized me, the scene played over and over again in my head, it was stuck on replay. I was managed to be pulled out from underneath the rubble.

      I can easily say right now, there isn't much left of me. I mean, I'm bald, and having to lie on my stomach for days to avoid pressure on my backside. My back is heavily bruised, and burnt, where as my legs were just tickled by flame. So there goes whatever I had of hair on my body. Doctors say its a miracle my back wasn't broken, but I can only imagine what life would be like right now if I haven't pushed Matilda out of the way...

     Its hard for me to move anymore, so I sit here awaiting some kind of amusement to come upon me, and entertain me until I’m healed, but here I am sleeping and thinking about very, very negative things. Maybe I should call Matilda-- No, she'll decline the call. Like always.

***Stephen's POV***

     Yes actually, I do have feelings, and I almost lost my sister... Twice. I treat her like shit and put her down. That's only because i love her, and i didn't realize that until now. I've been in my room, aka my man-cave, more then ever, I don't want to go upstairs and face the sadness in Maddi's eyes, the over whelming hugs I get from my mum, and my dad that sits there still realizing whatever happened... Happened. Does he even care? He took up extra hours at work, more money, but still. This isn't much of a family, is it? I finally got to get to know my sister, but now when I ask, she can't answer. 4 months doesn’t just give back 15 years of her life, and quite frankly, I miss it. I miss her and I miss everything.

     They say drunk words are sober thoughts-- So that must mean, drunk actions are sober's dwellings. That one night in Hawaii, I helped out Maddi when she was intoxicated, she started talking. I could understand her through her loud laughing, but she said how much she loved me, I think we hugged for 10 minutes there on the beach. People must have thought her and I were dating, but not every kind of love is relationships. Family means something too.

     Then i realized how she has never let me down. She may have called me an asshole on occasions, but I don't take things to heart usually. The amount of times she's asked me to go out and do something with her, and I have NEVER said yes. But when i needed something, she was ALWAYS there. I ask for money, and i get it. I ask for favours or advice, and i received it. I'm possibly the worst person ever, aren't i? Worst Brother, worst person... I love her, i just never told her. Imagine her dying with knowing her own brother hates her.


    Authors note: I've wanted to do a chapter like this for awhile now:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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