Shut Up and Kiss Me

Depuis le début


The first part of the night had gone by quickly. The friends had devoured their pizza and snacks, and Maya loved all of the presents her friends had given her. After they sang Happy Birthday, they all changed into their pajamas. And after a huge pillow fight that ended up with Maya and Lucas wrestling on the floor, the friends had settled down and begun their movie-binge. Lucas had woken up to a dark room with the first Harry Potter movie playing in the background around two in the morning. He looked around the room, and took in the other couples on their respective couch seats. Zay and Molly had fallen asleep by the beginning of this movie, Zay's head lolled back and Molly upside down on the couch, their heads and feet next to the other's. Farkle and Jess had laid down and were cuddling while they both lightly snored. Zach was asleep on the couch next to Lucas, his head resting on Riley's shoulder and still holding her hand, while Riley was the last of the couples to still be hanging onto consciousness, barely. Then Lucas looked down and saw that Maya had fallen asleep, head in his lap and feet up and over the couch. She had her arms wrapped around his leg, and was lightly snoring. He smiled to himself, and carefully reached down to pick up the blanket that Maya had kicked onto the floor. He leaned over and began to move her feet down, knowing that having her feet above her head this long wouldn't be good for her. After settling the blanket around Maya to make sure she was comfortable, he sat back.

Lucas felt like he was going to throw up, pass out, or maybe start shaking. He hadn't picked up on it right away. He didn't recognize the butterflies or the nervousness that he felt when he was with her. He didn't realize how easy it was to talk to her or how much he looked forward to picking her up from work and seeing her in the hallways. He didn't realize how much he needed Maya to be at his baseball games to assure he would win, and he didn't even recognize how much his heart picked up when she looked at him. That is, he didn't recognize it until he looked down and saw her curled up on his lap. "Crap," he whispered to himself, finally recognizing what he had been feeling for months but hadn't put a name to. He was in love. "This is not good."

"Lucas?" he heard a small voice whisper. "Lucas, what's wrong?" Maya asked, sitting up once she realized they were the only ones up. "Oh, Maya, nothing. I just didn't mean to wake you up," he said, his arm still on her leg where it had been resting. "Come on Lucas," she says, looking at him in the way that made his heart go crazy. "You know you can tell me anything." Lucas smiled to himself, grabbing the paper airplane charm that was hanging from Maya's neck and playing with it. "Maya, I can't tell you this," he says, dropping the necklace and looking at her. "Listen," he says finally giving in to her comforting but relentless stare. "We're friends, right?" Maya nods and just looks at him. "Well I can't remember that there was ever a time I didn't love you. But for the past couple of months, it's been different." Maya gives him a quizzical look, but keeps listening. As he was talking, she grabbed his hand, and he was holding on for dear life. "I didn't pick up on it at first, but I got nervous when you were around. Distracted from whatever else I was doing when you walked into the room. When you were sitting shotgun in my truck singing to whatever nonsense you put on, I felt like I could fly. When I picked you up this morning, I felt like I couldn't breathe. When I'm with you, I have a good time and I realize that maybe I want to be more than just friends, but I also don't want to ruin anything between us. And then of course, when I saw you asleep just now and my heart skipped a beat I-" "Lucas. Lucas. Calm down," Maya says putting her free hand on his face. She took one more scan of the room before taking a deep breath. Realizing that everyone, including Riley, was asleep, she looked back at Lucas and grabbed her airplane necklace. "Lucas, why don't you just shut up and kiss me." She tells him looking him directly in his bright green eyes. His eyes flicker between her eyes and her lips before back up to her eyes. "Really?" he asks her, leaning in the small distance between the two, placing his forehead against hers and looking back between her lips and eyes. "Please," Maya says nodding her head slightly. Lucas closes the minimal gap and presses his lips against hers softly. "Finally," she said once they finally come up for air. Lucas laughs softly and pulls her closer to him, kissing her again. "Finally," he agrees, kissing her forehead, her nose, and then her lips one last time before they both lay down on the couch and settle into each other. Maya lays her head down on his arm, facing him as he lays his head on their now shared pillow. Lucas uses his free arm to pull the blanket over them comfortably, and then wraps it around her torso, pulling her as close to him as he can. "Hey Maya," he says looking down at her. "Yes Lucas?" "I love you," he tells her quietly. "I love you too Lucas," she says smiling at him, giving him one more small kiss before closing her eyes. Lucas falls asleep playing with her hair.


The next morning, Lucas wakes up to the sun shining through the windows and Maya wrapped up in his arms. He smiles at her, gently kissing her forehead. All of a sudden, the light is blocked, and Lucas looks up to see Riley. "Finally," Riley says, waking everyone up. "Wow, sorry guys," she whispers. "But yes, finally!" Lucas laughs as Maya buries her face in his chest. She was not a morning person. "Wow, finally," Farkle says smiling and wrapping his arms around Jess. The rest of the group was gathering around them, and Lucas couldn't help but smile. Maya was his girlfriend now, and he didn't mind them. He kisses her temple and whispers in her ear something that the rest of the group can't hear. Riley, Molly, and Jess all aw at the scene unfolding in front of them. And in their own personal bubble, Lucas hears Maya giggle and looks at her, his face shading her from their slightly invasive friends. "Best birthday ever," she says looking at him. "Good day for me too," he says laughing softly before getting up with Maya and following her to the kitchen to eat the breakfast Topanga, Cory, Katie, Shawn and Farkle's parents had prepared.

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