Start from the beginning

A dissatisfied grunt left her mouth, but she didn't want to take the time to change out of it and into something else again, so she just went with it.

She had to keep licking her lips and swallowing her saliva because her mouth had gone dry. Only one person outside of her family and Becca had seen her naked, or even half naked, and that was Erick her ex-boyfriend. When she had come out from the shower, she had presumed that Luke would remain snoring on her bed, snuggled up against her blankets. Instead, she came an inch close to dropping her towel out of shock and flashing him, and she was so beyond mortified that she was already planning on faking her death and living with a new identity in Tijuana.

She rummaged through her closet and pulled out some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, that she couldn't remember buying since it was so oversized, already shoving one leg into the sweatpants.

"You can turn around now," She announced, holding the shirt in her mouth as she tugged on the gray sweatpants. "I'm still sorta in my underwear though."

Luke rearranged his spot sluggishly, and cautiously, until he could see her again, and when he did, he nearly slobbered on the spot. She had gotten her sweats on, but not before he saw the black lace of her panties, and now she was left tugging on a shirt over a red bra. Her head poked out through the top of the shirt when she was done dressing up, and she met his eyes bashfully, breathing heavily.

"Puke, you're staring, please stop staring," She pleaded in a meek and shrill voice, and Luke blinked rapidly, not even aware of the fact that his jaw had dropped and he had been gazing at her openly. "Oh my God, I'm going to throw myself under a subway, that was so embarrassing, I am so sorry."

If Luke thought he'd have a hard time getting Ava in a towel out of his head, glistening from her hot shower, he knew the image of her in black lacy underwear and a bright red bra was going to be burned in his brain. He gulped harshly, hoping that he could gather words without drooling, and get a goddamn grip. He ran his fingers through his hair nervously so that his hands could do something other than just fidget, and his twisted his curls out of habit. Then, he noticed something that made him smile more than what had just happened.

"Hey," He pointed out, chuckling, even though it took a while for him to say in this awkward situation, "That's my shirt."

Luke didn't know why, but Ava wearing his clothes turned him on more than seeing her in just her underwear.

"Oh," She looked down, playing with the hem of it, staring down at Green Day's logo, "You must've left it here. Do you want it back? I washed it a couple times so it probably smells like lilac and cotton."

"No, keep it, it looks good on you," Luke answered, and knowing how many times him and Ava have crashed at each other's apartments, he knew that she probably had more of his shirts in her closet anyway. His heartbeat had gotten back down to normal rate, but he still inhaled sharply when he looked at her. "Where are, um, where are the kids?"

"Becca came home around 6:30 and she's taking care of them now. She's a better cook than I am, so she made them some mac and cheese," Ava told him, sitting down next to him on the bed, her cheeks pink. She drummed her fingers against her leg. "So. Uh. How'd you sleep?"

Truthfully, Luke almost didn't quite hear the question. He was still too busy trying to steady his breathing because he was thinking of the moments that had just previously happened. He hadn't had sex in a long time mainly because he didn't want to have sex unless it was with Ava, and she was the one girl who didn't like having it, and he pinned that as the reason he was having these unspeakable thoughts. All his hormones seemed to react as if he were a seventeen year old again, all raging and unpredictable. He pushed other things into his mind, like sad puppies, Donald Trump, and his grandma, so that he wouldn't get a boner and embarrass himself even further.

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