Farley (Male Attic Mothman x Trans-Male Reader)

Depuis le début

"Yeah, it's all I needed. Mom wouldn't let me keep any guy clothes at the house, so I only have a few changes and my computer."

"Well, maybe next week before your appointment, we'll go get you a snappy new suit. What do you think about that, young man?"

You smiled at her. "That sounds amazing, Aunt Magda. You're the best."

"You bet I am," She said, laughing.

Later that night, or well, in the morning if you were honest, you had removed your binders and were sitting in a tank top and gym shorts, watching a movie on your computer with your earbuds in. You always had problems with insomnia, but recently it had been pretty bad. You weren't sure why; it was probably a combination of things.

The movie ended and you started up a show you had downloaded the last season of, pausing it for a moment so you could go to the kitchen and get a snack. That's when you heard it: muffled voices coming through the air conditioning grate. The house had old, victorian-style ventilation shafts running through it and it allowed noise to travel, which is likely why Aunt Magda had insisted on a quiet house.

You got closer to the grate and listened, but you had trouble making out any words. You frowned but shrugged it off. Maybe Aunt Magda had a TV in her room. In any case, you had season three of a trashy werewolf drama that wasn't going to watch itself.

Magda was as good as her word and before your appointment with the doctor, she bought you a very stylish black suit, complete with matching dress shirt, socks, and shoes. The tie and waistcoat were black with an elegant silver paisley pattern. You'd heard never to match your pocket square with your tie, so you chose an elegant red handkerchief for a pop of color.

You had dealt with body dysphoria for most of your life, since you were a small child, but looking in the mirror now in the small tailor shop, standing proud and tall in your first real suit, you saw the man you always wanted to be reflected back at you. You couldn't help but smile.

Magda was beside herself with delight, telling you how handsome you looked and what a lovely-looking man you grew up to be. You knew she was trying a little too hard, but after so many of the people you thought loved you refused to try at all, it was a pleasant change.

Magda went with you to your appointment, and it was decided that you would be going ahead with the surgery. You were both excited and terrified. You'd never had a surgery before but you were finally ready to feel like yourself.

The surgery would be in a week, which would give you time to get things ready for your recovery. You wouldn't be able to lift things for a few weeks, not even a gallon of milk, so you'd have to make some adjustments to your room setup to make things a little easier. You even purchased a rolling computer table and a hand cart so that you could move things around a little easier.

That night, after you thanked Magda over and over for her help and for the new suit, she went to bed and you went out to the back porch, sitting with a beer in hand, enjoying the night air. You had your headphones in and were listening to your calm mix and looking out over the pond next to the house, trying to ease your nerves.

You were very relaxed and had started to doze off when you saw a shadow pass through your closed eyelids. You eyes snapped open and you turned just in time to see someone enter the attic window at the very top of the cabin.

You shot to your feet and pulled out your pocket knife. The last thing Magda needed was an intruder way out here. It'd take forever for the police to get out here. You went in and pulled down the stairs to the attic, carefully traipsing up the steps in an effort to be silent.

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