"I've talked to her a few times, and I think she might have an ex...is it possible that she was rejected?"

"It's a good possibility...and would definitely be a reason she's keeping her distance from Tony. Whatever that guy did, it must have been bad if she's this hesitant..." He answers, and I flashback to her expression when she briefly mentioned it...

She referred the supposed Ex as just him...and the look of anger and hurt in her eyes had a glimmer of something else...even if it was just for a moment.


"Definitely bad..." I echo as I finish off my drink, "I think it might be a difficult road for those two."

As I put my glass down, I look up to see the sky has darkened with what looks like storm clouds.

"Aww...it was such a pretty day..." I pout, and Kane chuckles.

"I know Button, but let's pack up and head home before the rain starts. You don't need to be getting sick." He murmurs, and helps me to my feet...but just as I stand up straight his eyes haze over, his mind link apparently being active. Within seconds his smiling face is replaced by hostile anger, his body shaking as a ferocious growl rips up his throat.

"Kane? What's wrong? What's going on?" I ask worried, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Samson...he's here. Tony and a few of his warriors ran into his Beta and a group of Black Sun warriors on the territory line..." He answers tightly, and my eyes widen...my body suddenly feeling cold.

"If Thomas is here, then Samson isn't far behind..." He growls, and no sooner than the words leave his mouth his body goes completely rigid, his eyes glowing fierce silver as his nostrils flare...

"He's close...I can smell him.."

Suddenly a group of wolves come from the trees, and I recognize Brad and Ivan standing in the group still in human form.

"Take Sapphira home, now." He orders.

"Kane..." I start, but he places a finger over my mouth.

"I won't allow him to hurt you or our pups, I refuse to let him anywhere near you..." He says fiercely as he gazes into my eyes, both him and Ares speaking at once.

"Go to the pack house...please, and don't leave until this is over." He pleads, the tinge of fear in his eyes saying everything he didn't.

"You promise me that you'll be okay...promise." I demand as I hold his gaze, and the kiss he presses on my forehead lingers for a moment.

"I promise...now go Button, he's getting closer."

Reluctantly I nod, and Brad immediately picks me up in his arms as he and Ivan take off towards the pack house. I look back at Kane once more before he disappears from my sight...and I shiver as a loud rumble of thunder fills the air.

Goddess please protect him...


I watch Sapphira intensely as she disappears into the trees and out of my line of sight, I can still see the fear in her blue eyes...and feel it in her thoughts.

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