Chapter Five: Rumour Has It (In Editing!)

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Not long after Jonas leaves dark clouds roll in and it starts to storm.

Ha,even nature knows he's nothing but, trouble.

I lay in bed staring up at my ceiling until I fall asleep. I don't even bother to turn out the lights, still stuck in my usual daze.


I hiss at the sight of daylight. I just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep again, and that's exactly what I do. I get up, shut the curtains in front of my balcony doors and attempt to get the "five more minutes" of sleep every one asks for. About fifteen minutes into my nap my mom's knocking on my locked door. I, being the stupid morning person I am, ignore her, knowing exactly what would happen next.

 She comes back with a key and an ice cold glass of water. Oh how I love my mother. And with that comes my very rude awakening.

"Good morning Sunshine!" My mom yells in a sarcastic tone.

"Love you too, mom, thanks for the neumonia."

"I guess I'll head down to the funeral home and pick out a plot..." She says jokingly. I love our relationship. Even though we don't see each other that often, the time we do spend together is always fun. "Get up and get dressed, or you'll be late for school."

"What about breakf--"

"I'll buy you something from Dunkin' Donuts on our way there." That offer sounds appealing. We almost never eat out, thanks to her great cooking.


Despite my mom's efforts to get me to school on time, I'm still a few minutes late, which means I still need a tardy pass. I slip into the front office to and there stands the devil himself. Jonas is at the desk chatting with the new secretary who might as well be in high school like neither of them have a care in the world.

"Oh, and Miss Franz--"

"Please, call me Erin." She says, batting her pretty little eyelashes. I have to admit, I'm just the smallest bit jealous of the attention he's giving her.

"Well, Erin, have a lovely day." He says charmingly. My blood is boiling and he's not even mine.

"Hi, babe." He says alluringly. "Jealous yet?" He whispers.

Oh so now you notice me.

 I've only been in the school five seconds and I'm already ready to explode. 

"Why would I be?" I counter, I begine to fidget with the baby ugg boot on my bookbag.

"Don't pretend like you weren't just green with envy. You're eyes were burning through the back of my skull." He says, loud enough for everyone to hear. A smug smile begins to spread across his kissable lips. And he leans against the bulletin board looking as hot as ever. He looks as if he's ready for I fight I'm not willing to give in to.

I decide to look past the comment, obviously made to provoke me. "I don't know you." The words tumble out, quick, sharp and inevitably unconvincing.

"You knew me last night." So now it's his turn to counter and lets face it. He's ten times better than me. "it's nice to see you got here safely, cupcake."

So maybe the whole ignoring the provactive comments isn't working for me, the tension is just getting thicker.

"You were the one who climbed up my balcony. It's nice to see you got home safely," I say this with out thinking and clasp my hand over my mouth when I realize what I've just said. But, I was too far gone to save myself, so I dug myself a little deeper, "Or maybe it isn't." 

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