Once the dough was mixed I let it sit and poof while I got the pastries from yesterday out to the cases .
I then started work on the muffins

Growl Gurgle Growl Gurgle

" I think you need to feed that "
" Daddy Axel ,What are you doing here " I asked as I wiped my hands off with the towel
" I came to see you and I guess I'm feeding you too so get cleaned up and meet me out front "
" Yes Daddy "

I cleaned up my mess and went out to find Daddy
I saw he was sitting in one of the booths so I headed over when I got close he had a table full of food
And it smelled so good my belly made even more noise

" Sit"

I sat down across from him , Daddy fixed me a plate and slide it over to me
" Eat"
" Gee you sound like Papa Raven right now " I said with a laugh

We ate breakfast together and talked about the family and what everyone was up to.

The timer on my phone went off so I excused myself from the table to get my bread out of the oven and check on the Turkeys they were done but needed to cool before I could  cut them .
After I did that I came back to the table

Papa Marc was now at the table when I got back
Sitting back down they stopped talking when I did and stared at me
" Alright what's up both you stopped talking " I said
" Nothing just realizing that you look a lot like your Mama" Papa Marc said

" Gee I thought I looked more like Daddy Corey " I said mischievous

Papa Marc Put his hand over his heart
" She wounds me right here" he said

" Ha her attitude is more like Raven than any of us " Daddy Axel said with his own laugh

" Hey now I think my attitude is more like Papa Brandon " I said back with my own laugh

" Nope " Both said
" You are so like Raven but you cook like Marc But have the compassion of your Mama " Daddy Axel said
" But at times she does act like Owen " Marc said

" Ha ha I know Uncle Owen isn't as bad as you all think he actually is rather sweet he's helped me a lot besides his son is one hot guy " I said

" Oh god you are so bad "

Daddy Axel left and I went back in the kitchen to get the gravy into the pan to bring out to the front and the turkey sliced up .

Carving up four turkeys is a lot of work but I got it done before the lunch rush was to begin
Getting everything out front and ready with help from Papa and Felicia, I kept some in the back for us to eat

I made up two big pots of Vegetable Beef Soup for tomorrow since it was to be raining most of the day Soup is always good on a rainy day even if it's Summer Time

When the lunch rush was over I fixed myself, Papa and Felicia Sandwiches and we three sat at the big work table and ate

We cleaned up from lunch and the Afternoon Cook And Baker was coming in so I was going to head home , I gave the list of pastries to be made for tomorrow and Saturday and the list of what to have as the lunch special for Friday which is Chicken Salad On Croissants and  Vegetable Beef Soup to add to the menu they could do a whole sandwich and bowl of soup or half a sandwich and cup of soup

I gave Papa a hug and kiss Before I left , Told him the menu items for tomorrow and gave him the clipboard with the list of things we needed in the kitchen

Stepping out into the bright summer sunshine I had to squint my eyes until I pulled my sunglasses out
Walking to my Jeep my phone went off with a text so I stopped to read it

Hey My Little Bambino, Just Wanted to tell you that we are over at our parents so you won't worry we should be home shortly after you get home love you Bambino

Love you too Morgan and I shall see you then

I also saw a message from Melody

hey Cutie , Mama is wanting us all to get together and go to the beach houses for a couple of days to enjoy our summer so whatcha say to fun in the sun

Ha sounds good to me when do we leave and for how long

Mel- If possible Saturday and for the week

Me- Sounds good to me I could use some sun
Mel- me too girl

I put my phone back in my pocket and hit the button to unlock my Jeep as I walked over to it

Boooooooom  Boooooom

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now