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You step into the house party and see your friends Eleri and Ella talking at the table with some drinks in their hands. You walk over to them and yell
K: I'm here bitches!
Ella: heyy bitch!
Eleri: what took you so long whore
K: I got lost.
Eleri: of course you did you ratass
K: at least I'm here trick bitch
Ella: bruh we have Tea.
K: spill it
Ella: ok so when Eleri and I got here we were alone, and we were not really talking to anyone. We went and sat down on the couch, just so we could talk, right?
K: ok
Ella: so two guys approached us, saying they thought we were cute and we should join them upstairs, for a game that they had going on.
K: what the yee haw! So what happened up there?!
Ella: ok well, we said we were waiting for a friend and we would maybe join later
K: how long ago was this?
Ella: 10 minuets ago
K: alright we are going upstairs girls.
Eleri: no way we are going to get raped!
K: we will be together if anyone tries to hurt you guys I'll kick some ass
Ella: no I will! I can throw down
K: exactly let's go.

Kylie grabbed Eleri and Ella's hands and led them through the obnoxious crowd pushing skanks and frat boys out of the way to reach the stairs.

You all walk over beer cans and trash on the floor to get up the stairs.
There is a tv and and couch when you first walk up then there are rooms to the right and left. You hear shouting from a room on the right.

Ella: ok wtf is going on in there?
Kylie: sounds like a good time to me
Eleri: Kylie you're an idiot what about this seems like a good idea.
Kylie: um we get to talk to hot guys.
Eleri: fair enough.

All the girls walk over to the door. Ella puts her ear to the door to hear a lot of commotion. She she makes her iconic face while making eye contact with Kylie.

Ella: this is a bad idea

She walks away from the door and eleri grabs the door knob. Ella slaps it.

Eleri: bitch
Ella: this is the worst idea we've ever had
Kylie: everything will be fine
Ella: no you guys are idiots I can't believe I let you two talk me into this.
Eleri: ok ya know what. If we are not supposed to be here there will be a sign of some sort.

Everything is silent except the faint music that can be heard from down stairs.
Eleri: see

A loud crash comes from behind the bedroom door.

Ella: that was it I'm leaving.

Eleri tries to stop Ella from going downstairs. Kylie opens the door revealing about 8 people. Two are making out not not even noticing anything. One guy laughing and trying to help a girl up off of a broken lamp on the ground. A guy kneeled over laughing historically, and a guy looking very concerned, A guy sitting on the ground staring right at the new intruders at the door. And a girl screaming and crying running to help the girl off the ground.

Ella and eleri take a peek in the room aswell.

Kylie: have room for three more?

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