Chapter 10: The Broken Necklace

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Hello everyone, here's chapter 10. I'm sorry its taken me so long to get this chapter up. I haven't been doing much editing as I've had to help Mum pack up the business.

I finally have my own room again and am sleeping much better. Its a novelty having my own room again and not having to share with two other people.

I've started writing chapter 12. 

EDIT 12/01/19: Hello everyone, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this updated. I have had a rather hectic time and have had more than a little trouble with Centerlink. I've been listening to Audible a lot  over the last two days. 

The Rondo Series, I read/listen it at least once a year. Anything from Neal Asher's Polity Series though my favorites have got to be the Spatterjay Series and the third book in the Cormac Series - The Brass Mam. 

The two books in the Skulduggery Pleasant Series  though personally I absolutely love the first book, its by far the funnest and the Audiobooks make it so much more real, they're the voices I heard in my head if I happen to read fanfiction about it. William Gamanara is an amazing Narrator. 

The last book I've been listening to is The Night Cirrus. It has a timeless feel, you can skip to any part of the book and it'll still make sense (if you've already read it). You'll forget what time it is, being drawn into the world, having the audiobook helps though I like to have both the book and the audiobook.

It feels familiar, like I've read it a million times and know the words like the back of my hand like I do with the first Rondo book or the second Harry potter book's first chapter. It's so familiar even though I've only read it once. It's a truly magical story and one I very much recommend you neck if you haven't already. 

Please enjoy.

Date: 27/10/18 - 17/11/18
Time: 9:17 pm - 9:25 pm

"Your sister ... wasn't happy about locked out last night because you didn't answer your phone, she apparently spent the night at a friend's house. When she come back this morning, she was on her phone with her ... mother," Bianca answered looking more than a little nervous.

I sighed. I just knew something like this wasn't going to happen some point. It was just a matter of time.

Macy had come back incredibly late for the last week, waking me up and then I had the task of waking Jan up and asked him to bring Macy up. I usually made him hot chocolate and something to eat before he left as it had been absolutely freezing since Macy and Mike had gotten her a week ago.

I pulled out my phone and saw Macy had called me. Thirty times. I checked and found the 'Do Not Disturb' function on my phone was on. I couldn't remember turning that on. Oh well. It didn't matter. It was nice not getting woken up, at some ungodly hour in the morning.

Duke had to carry me from his car, I would be fine after eating and getting some sleep. Something had felt a little off this morning, but I hadn't known what it was as I busy, getting ready, knowing now that I think about it, my reading hadn't been interrupted by Macy screaming at whoever was sleep on the couch.

"What happened?" I questioned more than a little apprehensive when Bianca and Eitri shared a look and motioned for Duke to follow them to my apartment. I knew Duke wasn't going to let me walk upstairs which I really wasn't going to complained about.

I was more than a little confused when I heard yelling come from my apartment.

"... how could you do something like that. You shouldn't have even been in her room," Myra yelled, it was the first time I had heard her yell. I shared an alarmed look with Bianca and Duke picked up his pace. My apartment had never seemed further away then it did at that moment.

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