62. Heart Hurts

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"Jimin hyung! Xiumin-shi!" ,Jungkook shouted and ran towards the two that dropped from on top of the 12m high-branch near the laser cage. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Suho also helped him and catch the two with their human-net (2 people holding each others hand creating a bridge or net to carry people on it).

D.O sighed in relief seeing Xiumin and Jimin who's saved just now and he began to look up where Namjoo and Eunji stand with an unreadable face. Especially Namjoo, who turned away from his 'what are you doing??' gaze.

"Bomi, whats the meaning of this?!?!" ,Chen shouted to her who only look at the ground with a cold stare.

"Eunji, tell me that it wasn't your intention... you girls- you girls wont do this to us! right?!!" ,Chanyeol shouted to Eunji while still hold on to Xiumin's body that already unconscious inside the laser-cage.

Eunji just look at Namjoo, who's face shows a little bit mercy, and grabbed her hand,

"lets go. We have work to do."

Namjoo just nodded and both jumped down from the top to the outside of the cage and soon reunited with Chorong and Bomi on the front.

"wait, we can contact Lay hyung and the others! H-hello, Lay hyung! Chief! Anyone! Please pick up!!" ,Sehun shouted through the In-Ears but none responded.

"there's no use. Hayoung probably on the move." ,Eunji speak-up.

Meanwhile at the Basecamp....

"YES it works! Now we just have to get in and open the second door" ,Lay excited and the Chief also felt relieved.

"so the door is finally open, huh?" ,Naeun mumbled and glanced at Hayoung signaling her to start on something.

Hayoung typed something on her laptop secretly and after that she glanced at Naeun and form an 'ok' sign with her hands and then both wear a gas mask without the two noticing and throw a gas mask.

Tluk tluk...


"w-wait what is this ?! where are the smokes comes from?! H-hayoung! N-naeun! Where are you?! Uhuk, uhuk!!!"

"Lay don't inhale the smoke! Its- uhuk! A sleep- uhuk uhuk! G-Gas...." ,the Chief shouted but it was all too late, they already fell asleep and soon Naeun and Hayoung left them.

At the forest...

"weird, why is the intercom looks like its not working? V to Base! Spy Team to Base!" ,V tried to contact them but none answered, obviously this is Hayoung's doing.

"shall we check on the Attckers team too?" ,J-hope tried to contact the Attackers team but then their In-Ears was on.

"h-hello.... Spy team?! Please help us at the Basecamp!!! It was... I think the troops are coming! All of you that weren't on the front gate please regroup! N-no!!! Kyaaa- bzzt!" ,Naeun acted out and screamed from the In-Ears but got cut off (by herself ofc).

"NAEUN-SHI!? Is everything alright?! Please answered us!!........" ,Jin replied but only buzz sound that comes out.

"SHIT! lets head back to the base now!!" ,RM command the rest of BTS and they are now heading towards the basecamp.

At the Cave's Entrance....

The EXO member and Jungkook still couldn't understand what really happened here until finally Hayoung and Naeun came from the forest behind them with a gas mask. They removed the mask and reunited with the other Apink member.

- Red Spring - [EXOPINK x BTSPINK]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon