Fighting | 2x Imagine

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"Seriously how dare you?! Do you have like any respect for me?" you yell at your boyfriend. You're even more annoyed as he doesn't answer, just takes in all you have to say. "And why the fuck are you not even saying anything? You know I hate that!"

You keep yelling at him and he quietly stares at you. "So you don't care about me anymore, huh?" "That's it.." he whispers. In a second he has grabbed your hands so he's completely in control. You feel his lips on yours and you try your best to stay mad but as he touches you, your mind clears up.

"You're pretty hot when you're mad babe" he says biting his lip. "Damn it, boy" you say and lean back in.


"Why did you do that?" you ask tearing up. "You know I need you, I always will" you add. He ignored you for a whole week as you were going through a hard time.

"I was left alone with all these thoughts and you know you're the only one who can keep my mind off of those". He looks at you with clear guilt and pain on his face.

Finally he gives you an answer. "I love you so much, I have literally never felt anything like this in my life and it scares me. It scares me how anyone can have this much control over me. I knew you were in pain and it hurted me. I know that's the most stupid excuse ever but I love you and I was scared I couldn't help you because that's what I want, to able to help you".

You burst into tears mostly because of how he felt. He didn't talk much about his feelings so you had no idea he would feel this way.

He came up to you and wrapped his strong arms around you. You leaned towards him and breathed in his comforting smell. "I love you" you whisper in his neck. "I love you too" he says sending shivers down your body.

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