Setting: Kim's House, Calabasas, CA

Kim: Last night after the Grammy's, Demi dropped Muse off with me to go out with this guy that my mom and I have been trying to hook her up with

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Kim: Last night after the Grammy's, Demi dropped Muse off with me to go out with this guy that my mom and I have been trying to hook her up with. It's been twelve hours and she's just now coming back, which is for sure a new record because usually her ass is in bed by 10pm.

Kim watched Demi with a smirk on her face as she entered the house in the same outfit that she had been wearing in one of her insta stories last night, but Demi completely ignored her and the sly look on her face as she went to greet Muse, leaning over to kiss her daughter on her cheek before Muse turned around and shared an identical grin with her mother.

"Hey princess," Demi greeted as Muse took a sip of her coconut water.

"Hi mommy, did you win last night?" Muse questioned, prompting Demi to pull out her nearly dead phone to do a quick google image search of her name to show Muse the pictures of her accepting the award while she slept in her arms.

"Oh, I don't remember that," Muse said with a confused look on her face, causing Demi and Kim to laugh.

"Of course you don't. You were sleeping. You're so goofy, Muse," Demi teased, causing Muse to giggle before she turned back around to face the counter and went back to interacting with her cousins.

Kim had a full house last night because Kylie had decided to take Travis on an impromptu vacation, and since Kim had Chi, Stormi, and Muse, she decided to let True stay over as well so she didn't feel left out. Their kids were so cute together.

"So, what'd you do last night...or this morning?" Kim asked, unloading the takeout boxes from iHop to give to the kids. Kim wasn't much of a cook and her chef didn't work on weekends, so she had to improvise.

"We went to dinner at this restaurant that he co-owns, we went to the movies and saw like two movies, we drove around a bit, got some food again, watched the sunrise, and now I'm here," Demi answered, tapping her ombre nails against the countertop as she glanced at her phone, seeing a text from Wilmer pop up on her screen.

"I can't even remember the last time that you stayed out with a guy all night long. You had to be a teenager the last time you did that," Kim gushed as Demi rolled her eyes towards the ceiling a little bit.

"Why are you being such a weirdo? All we did was hang friends," Demi clarified as Kim just waved her off.

"I never said it was a bad thing and I'm not being weird. I know how you feel about dating right now. But, it has been a while and it wouldn't kill you to-"

"Nope. All I care about right now is myself and my daughter. I don't need to find someone."

"Has Cristo found someone?"

"If he has, he hasn't said anything to me. Besides, he knows the rules."

Demi: Cristo and I made a rule in our divorce that we have to be dating someone for at least three months before we can introduce them to our daughter. I wanted it to be six months because the rule doesn't really apply to me...Cristo is the one with the rich dating history.

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