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We walked into a huge office and I sat down to where he nodded

"Good to see you back" it was the guy from the party that's was beside him

Jax smiled "missed it, I want you to meet Mia Martinez, she's staying with me" Tyler nodded looking at me reaching a hand

"The famous Mia, I'm Tyler Grange, call me T" he smiled " sorry for trying to kill you the first time

"It's forgiving" I smiled back

"She's gonna join the team" Jax said looking up at T "She'll need to train here, show her around for the next week or two"

I got up following T when Jax spoke " Mia don't try anything stupid there's camera everywhere"

After a well needed shower I headed downstairs into the kitchen, today was so hard especially training with T, the place is so big and definitely would get lost on my own, I heard some nose in the sitting room and that when I saw T smirking at something, T looked up he nodded his head to come into the living room as I did I heard the sound of a child hit my ear drums I smiled looking over to where Jax sat with a baby in his arms

I sat down beside Jax and looked at the baby look at me with caution and then a huge smile filled it's face

"Who is this"I asked

"My child, her names Rose" T spoke

"Do you think I could hold her" T nodded his head smiling, I took her and started play with her and baby talking, Jax was staring
"You want kids Mia" T asked

"Yes some day"I said in baby talk still messing with Rose

"Oh you here that Jax" T sneered

Jax didn't say anything

"Oh please, as if we would have kids" I said as if it was the most unbelievable thing in the world. Jax looked towards the ground and T said nothing for awhile after I just kept messing with the baby

" I better be going now guys" I was getting ready to give Rose back to T when he shouted in to El " I'll be back tomorrow evening to collect her, thanks so much"

He gave Rose a kiss and walked out " we have her for the night?" I asked Jax

"Looks like it"

"Yay" i started turning with Rose making her giggle

El came in with a towel " I better get this baby bathed and I'll give her back to you then Mia"

"Perfect, don't take her for too long though, I'll get jealous" I smiled

I was starting to love this life, I sat down Remembering why I was actually here and what I was here to do. I can't now, I was building to much connections with these people 

"Are you ok" Jax asked 

"I'm fin-

I never got to finish what I was saying when a smoke bomb came through the window and gun shots started

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