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'A wise person somewhere in this god forsaken world once said yesterday is history and tommrow's mystery. I think that's a load of crap, do what you want today to effect your tomorrow, nothing is a mystery if you don't want it to be. You're listening to NYC radio. Here a classic.' Don't stop believing began to play.

Quinn Fabray was sitting in a yellow taxi driving her to her new apartment. She thought back to what the radio announcer was saying. They were right, Quinn was going to have the best today's to effect her tommrow's as Quinn saw it. Her life had just began.

The taxi driver cleared his throat. 'Visiting or moving.'

'Moving.' Quinn politely replied.

'Well I hope New York brings you all you desire.' The taxi driver said pulling up outside of her new apartment building. The blonde pulled out her purse and gave the man some money plus a tip. 'After all its the city of dreams.' Quinn politely thanked the driver she exited the taxi and opened the trunk of the to then removed her luggage.

She looked up at the apartment building, her life was finally beginning.


She walked up the stairs to the third floor apartment she was going to be living in. She pulled her one and only suitcase along the ground and knocked on her front door hoping her knew roommate was home.

The opened with a gasp from the person behind it.

'Omg. I'm so glad your here. Rachel and Santana are out.' A familer looking blonde pulling the other blonde into a hug.

'I'm glad to see you too Brit.' Quinn laughed.

Rachel moved to New York straight after graduation because she got her acceptance letter to early admissions at Nyada. The brunette was now fresh out of college and was desperately trying to find gigs. Brittany and Santana had moved after Brit graduated a year after the rest of them as she was held back a year. Now Quinn was going to be living with her 3 best friends in the greatest city in the world.

The apartment was a decent size considering four 23 year old woman were living there. Brittany pointed her to her bedroom. Rachel had set everything up in the room for her arrival. Quinn quickly unpacked.


The following morning Quinn woke up to the sound of arguing, just what she wanted at 8am. She stumbled out of bed in her sleepy haze and put on her silk robe. She had fell asleep before Rachel and Santana had return home as she was so tired.

'You need to stop doing this.' She heard Rachel yell.

'What's she done now?' Quinn asked.

The two girls promptly stopped arguing and greeted the blonde.

'San, what have you done?' Quinn repeated.

'I may or may not have stumbled in at 3am and broke The frame of Finn and Rachel.' Santana explained

'For the fifth time this month.' Rachel added

'Where were you at 3am anyway?'

'Getting wasted.'

'I don't see why you need to get drunk every two days.' Rachel shrugged.

'Because young, sweet, naive Rachel.' She said holding up Rachel's chin. 'It's fun.'

'That hicky on your neck confirms that.' Brittany said pointing to her neck. Smirking at the fact she put it there.

'Moving on.' Santana said sternly. 'Quinn, any jobs yet?'

'No. I've been here less than 24 hours, I'll start today.'

'Speaking of jobs I have an audition for the revival of west side story. Remember how great I was as Maria in senior year.' Rachel said.

'No. I just remember how great I was.' Santana smirked. 'Brit were gonna be late for Pilates.'

'Pilates?' Quinn asked furrowing her eyebrow.

'Not all of us have that Fabray body.' Brittany joked and the two girls left.

Quinn and Rachel sat on the couch sand Rachel caught the blonde on her and Finn relationship.

'Enough about me and my love life. Wasn't Biff upset when you told him you were moving?'

Quinn swallowed hard. 'Not as upset I was when I walked him on him screwing his assistant.'

'Q, I'm sorry.'

'Don't be. I mean he cheated on me because I would 'put out' for him.' She said in Air quotes. 'I came here for me. I'm gonna get a good job and not give everything up for some douche this time.'

'Sorry Quinn but I really need to get to this audition.'

'I'm fine. I'm gonna go through the paper and find some job offers.'

'Okay. See ya.'

'Later.' Quinn said. She sighed and looked through the paper.

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