Colored kingdoms W.I.P #1

18 2 1

1/24/2019 9:34
Just a quick warning that I wrote this all non stop for an hour and a half on traditional paper with out anyone else's input before typing this so sorry if it ducks and that it's so little for that time period:// also it's all in like first
person-ish so sorry if you aren't really into first person :,,,
The three colored kingdoms. Or should I say the one Multicolored kingdom? Cause honestly that's sorta what it is. Only sorta though the place is pretty much only separated by gates that are so thin that they've been broken multiple times! Their like the width of prepubescent girls hand! Plus even though they all have 'Different rulers' they all answer to one person. The white queen. But I guess you probably already knew that. Like the only way you could find this book is if you lived in one of those 'kingdoms'. But this whole ramble is completely off topic! I made this book was to share the stories told me during my younger years so that they will live on even after all my kingdoms death! Which honestly doesn't seem too far from now... But let's not get off topic again! Let's start with a classic shall we? A story that began a string of stories that mostly built my childhood.

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