Marcus Flint x reader

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Requested by Co04Slyheringirl

Dating someone in secret is tough, dating Marcus Flint in secret is worse, Y/n Malfoy, Dracos older sister by 2 years and Marcus had been dating in secret for a year, the two had met when she was sorted into Slytherin his second year. she joined the Quidditch team when Marcus became captain his 5th year, seeing as none of the other captains would let her on the team but Marcus knew she could play as he had trained with her since her 2nd year.

Come Draco's second year when he too joined the team, however, this time their father had had a hand in it gifting the entire team with brand new Nimbus 2001s, this made it harder for Y/n and Marcus to e together as the Quidditch team had sworn to keep it a secret as they were the only ones that knew because they kept hitting on her until Marcus finally snapped and told them to stay the hell away from his girlfriend, o be honest with you, they had spotted the two kissing and was just doing it to get them to admit it.

As the team made their way to the pitch to train with Draco they dumped into the Gryffindor team 

"Where do you think you're going, Flint? I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today" Oliver Wood said as the two teams met 

"Relax Wood I got a note," Marcus said handing the younger boy the roll of paper Prof. Snape had given him earlier in the day Oliver read the note out loud and looked back up at the team 

"You got a new seeker? Who?" he asked the Slytherin team divided letting Draco through as he went to stand next to Marcus and his sister who stood right behind Marcus ready to hold him back if she needed to. 

"Another Malfoy?" Wood said eyeing the young boy spotting the new brooms out of the corner of his eye 

"Looks as if it lays with the Malfoys buying their way in at least this time it wasn't by sleeping with the entire team" Oliver spat looking at the girl behind Marcus who just stayed quiet seeing her father out of the corner of her eye she lowered her head hiding her hurt, 

"Don't you dare talk to her like that" Adrian Pucey spat charging towards Oliver but was quickly grabbed by his teammates causing the Gryffindor team to laugh 

"This just proved that I'm right doesn't it?" Oliver mocked laughing at Flint he didn't quite know why he was acting like that perhaps because he liked her but knew she would never give him a chance. 

But little did he know he had pissed off Marcus to the point that he didn't care who was around to hear what he was about to say

"No one talks to my girlfriend like that" he spat charging at Oliver while Y/n tried to hold him back as best she could to little success

"And I thought Malfoys were meant to be with decent looking purebloods but here she is choosing the troll" Oliver mocked again

"That is enough," Prof. Snape said coming to his team's rescue along with Lucius Malfoy both Y/n and Draco looked at their father as the other boys of the Slytherin team pried Marcus off Oliver who was quickly helped up by his teammates who scurried him away as the Slytherin team went to the common room to calm Marcus down.

"I can explain father," Y/n said quickly looking at the ground not daring to look at her father

"No need Darling, I approve very much so indeed I saw the way you two looked at each other when we met last and a Flint is a great choice for a Malfoy," Lucius said shocking both his son and daughter who had both expected him to be disappointed

"So you're okay with it?" she asked looking up at her father with a faint smile

"Of course with your snooping around the house I'm surprised you haven't figured out the deal with Marcus's parents about the two of you marring next summer" Lucius smiled laying a hand on his daughter's cheek.

"Thank you father," she said as he embraced her in a hug something that rarely happened publicly.

As Y/n and Draco arrived back in the common room the entire team was sitting in front of the green flame of the fire 

"Where is he?" Y/n asked referring to their missing team captain

"In his room, pissed," Adrian said warning her as she went towards the room upon entering she found him just as Adrian said, pissed walking back and forth as he spotted her he went over to her wrapping his arms around her 

"I'm so sorry Love I shouldn't have said that not in front of your father," he said placing his hands on her cheeks 

"He's okay with it Marcus our parent have arranged for us to marry next summer did you not know?" she said smiling up at him 

"Really?" he asked stepping away from her unsure if she was taking the piss 

"Yeah my father just told me" she smiled running a hand through her hair

"So I can call you mine in front of everyone now?" he said still dumbfounded a smirk creeping up slowly 

"Yeah no more secrets, no more hiding," she said he didn't hesitate to close the distance between them kissing her with as much passion as he could muster his arms wrapped tightly around her as hers went around his neck 

"I love you" he whispered placing his forehead against hers 

"I love you too Marcus" she whispered back

*10 years later*

Y/n and Marcus had settled down in a small manor not far from where they grew up, the two had welcomed a son Cameron Draco Flint who is now 3 and Y/n was now pregnant with their second child a daughter that the two were planning on naming Ophelia Narcissa Flint.

The two had gotten married the summer after their last year and had moved to their manor, both working as professional Quidditch players Y/n stopping when she became pregnant the first time but she still loved the sport and became a commentator and never missed any of Marcus's matches bringing Cameron with her so Marcus wouldn't miss out on seeing his son grow up the two hadn't talked to or about Oliver Wood since that day in the courtyard until the 3 crossed paths when  Cameron was 2.5, Marcus was carrying Cam when they dumped in to Oliver 

"Flint" Oliver said calmly eying him angrily 

"Malfoy," he said looking at Y/n 

"It's Flint now Wood or are you still in denial that I got the girl" Marcus smirked as his son smiled on his arm not being a stranger to his father standing up for his mother seeing as having bared the Malfoy name seemed to be a curse

"Nah not now that the Malfoy name is so bad" Oliver smirked spotting the child not knowing how he missed it 

"Come on Marcus it's late we need to get home," Y/n said softly seeing her son yawn

"Stay away from my family Wood" Marcus warned as he moved past with his son and wife close to him as they made their way to the apparition spot.

I really hoped you liked it I did my best but my anxiety is having a moment and I tried my best to write it despite that I will say I love Oliver but I hate the name as I was bullied for years by an Oliver but anyways what's your view on Gryffindor x Slytherin relationships? I think I might write a one-shot like that seeing as I'm a Slytherin and my boyfriends a Gryffindor so I might do one about how we met o well something like that 

Mich <3 

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