Chapter 1 - Granny's

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A/N 1: Picture of Emma & Regina above^

A/N 2: To new readers: I am currently editing this story as I had wrote this quite a while back and looking back at it now, I realise how poor the story actually is. I have changed a few of the characters names. This story will now represent ONCE UPON A TIME - Swan Queen. This means that the characters  appearances have changed and so as you read further into this story you may find that things change. Apologises for any inconvenience, thank you for your kind comments, as well as your votes.

Chapter 1

"Urgh." I moaned, waking up from my oblivion due to the sound of my extremely loud, and must I say, extremely annoying alarm go off right next to me which, could only mean one thing; the last day of freedom. The thought of having to return to education and start college for another year which truly killed me inside.

Turning lazily onto my left side, I reached over to my alarm and slammed the palm of my right hand continuously on the top of it until it stopped. Rolling over onto my back, I let out a sigh of irritation as I stare up at the ceiling miserably.

Today would be the first day of college. After leaving school I had no intention of continuing with my education and nor did I get given the opportunity to. My life had been quite a whirlwind since then. However, now I felt like I was settled enough to continue with my education, I realised it was probably time to start working towards a career. Besides, there's only so long you can work at Granny's diner for. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted career wise but I had always hoped to go somewhere with my singing, even though my mother had always told me differently.

After laying in bed for five, ten, or maybe forty minutes; I decided it would be best if I got up and got ready so I wouldn't waste my last day too much. I had spent the majority of my weekend laying in bed watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix and so I figured that today I should be a little more productive. I knew that I was in need of some more clothes. I mean, almost every day I wore the same thing: a white vest and blue jeans and if I had it my way I would continue to, but the 'white' vest was no longer white. I had it for such a long time that it had now turned into a greyish colour, and the jeans had a hole in the crutch.


Picking up a blue buttoned shirt, I examined it and held it up against my body as I took the appearance in whilst standing in front of a large mirror. I could feel the sales assistants eyes burning into the back of my head as I continued to decide whether I wanted the piece of clothing or not.

Pulling at the forth and fifth button area, I mentally took note that the shirt had no give which instantly meant it would be a little tight around my chest area. I had my mother to thank for that, as she too had a fairly large pair of breasts. It made shopping very annoying.

I sighed and took a step to my right, looking through the pile of clothes that happened to be on sale; or also known as, the shit that no one wanted. The skirt that laid next to the white buttoned shirt was literally the ugliest thing I have ever seen, It's floral yet granified print made me cringe as I rolled my eyes at the sight of it. Who in their right mind would buy something so ugly? I thought. That was the trouble with living in such a small town, Storybrooke. There often wasn't much to choose from.

Having caught a glimpse of a bright colour, I shifted my eyes towards it, taking in the red slim-fitting dress, all elegant but sexy. I could literally feel my eyes light up at the sight of it. I wasn't your typical 'girly girl'. I was very much into comfort but I did enjoy dressing up once in a while. Taking a few steps to my left, I reached out and ran my hands over the soft material, feeling my self wince however when I saw how much it was. This store was ridiculous.

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