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[amber’s pov]

The candles were almost burnt out and we had all emptied half a bottle of wine each and several pink strawberry daiquiris which Jenny had mixed up. Our plates were empty - and half the cookies Perrie had made for our girls’ night were gone too. The laughter was softer and sounded more raspy after all the several hours of talking and telling stories; everything from Jenny letting me in on awkward stories with Harry and Louis, to Perrie letting us in on the secret behind hair dyeing.

I hadn’t even checked my phone the past couple of hours and somehow almost forgotten about the worry - or so I thought.

“Are you kidding me? Zayn? He actually bought you a teddy from an actual toy-store? Like a real life teddy bear?” Jenny stared at Perrie with eyes slightly swimming; Perrie was nodding and the beam on her lips seemed to light up the place more than the dying candles. I couldn’t stop giggling over the cute act she had just told us about.

“Yup, he even told me this little grumpy five-year old helped him pick it out,” Jenny and I awed in choir while Perrie kept shining with happiness.

“And he had locked the necklace around it’s neck so it was hanging down on the middle of the tummy,” Perrie fiddled with the silver charm of very said necklace, as she for a second was lost in the memory with dreamy eyes. Jenny and I sighed heavily, both completely lost in the cuteness of Zayn’s thoughtful act.

“So what about you and Harry, Amber?” Jenny continued looking at me this time. I looked back at her over the edge of my glass smiling in a smug way, asking; “what about us?” before I took another sip of the pink sweet drink, which Jenny had made several liters of it seemed.

Jenny’s smile only grew wider and she leaned in over the kitchen island where we were all seated on high bar chairs. I had my feet positioned up on the fourth one while the two other girls sat on the opposite side of the kitchen island. The rain was pouring down outside.

“Oh come on! I seriously need - and deserve - some details about you guys. Obviously Harry won’t tell me shit; I’m such a single sucker for romance! You actually should feel sorry for me! Besides Nicholas Sparks’ novels only makes me fucking depressed like shit - I mean come on, help me out!”

I grinned and Perrie giggled over the red haired girl’s cry for stories. I put the glass down checking the time; it was almost one in the night.

“Well,” Jenny was sitting on the edge of her chair waiting for me to share some of the cuteness, but even though it was just Jenny and Perrie, it still felt like sharing something I treasured so much I would never be able to share every detail with anyone but Harry. My head was swimming with several hours of talking, laughing, joking around, adorable notes left behind or fooling around my apartment with my favorite person in the world, but they all felt almost too private to share.

“Well, there was actually a thing last week which was pretty,” Jenny almost fell of her chair as I started talking, “sweet, that he did.”

Perrie got up from her seat with a soft smile resting on her lips as she started clearing the table; I continued as I handed her my plate, “well, I had been at one of the evening courses which ended pretty late because Mr. Calvin wanted us to go through every aspect of the functions of the different administration parts of -” Jenny cut me off before I could explain further, “yeah, yeah - get to the good stuff already!”

Perrie couldn’t help but laugh out loud as she was placing the few items in the sink and I smirked at Jenny, “okay, okay! Well, it ended and I think we were like 20 minutes late anyway I was on my way out of the building with two from my study-group. Harry and I had agreed he would have some sort of dinner or - wel,l probably take-away, something eatable at least - ready for when I would get home. So I was pretty eager to do so obviously. Ehm,” a soft smile crawled into my features as I relived the moment, “and it was kind of raining still. It was that day when it just rained non-stop all afternoon and evening, remember? Anyway the sky was all dark and we just exited the front door of the university where the lecture hall is.”

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