Imagine for Miarraxlove Part II

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You couldn't do anything, you felt as though you were paralyzed. Isaac your best friend since diapers just kissed you and your boyfriend Derek caught you lip locking with his beta.

You watched as they fought and finally snapped out of it when Derek landed a hook to Isaac's jaw.

"Derek stop! Derek Stop!" You ran forward grabbed his arm as he went to land another punch.

Derek turned to you red eyes still glowing he growled at you before pushing away but because he was in his wolf form he was stronger than normal. So his little shove resulted in you flying back and banging into the kitchen counter.

Your vision blurred as you tried to stand up to go help Isaac again but dizziness hit you and you fell back onto the ground.

Isaac seemed to notice because his eyes flashed yellow as he transformed and shoved Derek off of him and rushed over to help you.

You didn't really pay attention to Derek trying to push Isaac out of the way to get to you, you were more concentrated on how tired you were.

"Miarra come on stay awake. Stay awake!" Isaac repeated to you

"Isaac move so I can see MY girlfriend," Derek growled putting more emphasis on 'my'.

You listened as Isaac and Derek bickered back and forth making your head pound even more.

"Guys stop! My heads killing me," You moaned before rolling over into Isaac's lap face down.

"Get out of here Derek I think you've done enough,"  You heard Isaac snarl before blackness overcame you.


You opened your eyes and recognized the room immediately it was your own.

You lay for a bit when you recalled previous events that happened. You shot up and looked around your room it was empty.

You stood up and made your way downstairs. Isaac and Derek must've heard you coming down the stairs because they were at the bottom of the stairs before you.

You stood awkwardly before turning to Isaac "Uh... Isaac you mind giving Derek and I some privacy?"

Isaac stood a bit watching you before nodding and walking out of the house.

You walked down the stairs and lead Derek into the kitchen which was a mess.

"Look Derek, I'm sorry you had to see that. We were just supposed to be hanging out because I haven't spoken to him in so long and I missed him so we planned to hang out then one thing lead to another and he kissed me. But I promise you-" You rambled on trying to defend yourself

"I know," he nodded cutting you off

"Then why are you so quiet? Why aren't you screaming or yelling at-"

"Did you kiss him back?" He cut you off

You were loss for words. You wanted to say no but you would be lying. You couldn't help but kiss Isaac when his soft lips was on yours you couldn't help it, you felt butterflies in your stomach when his lips touched yours and tingles when his fingers danced across your skin.

Derek took your silence as an answer and twisted on his heels before walking out the door.

You didn't have the heart to stop him you felt like such a bad person. You betrayed your boyfriend cheated on him. Oh my god you were a cheater.

You turned around and noticed all the glass on the ground and decided cleaning would get your mind off of things.

You kneeled on the ground and started picking up all the glass on the ground. You could feel your eyes tearing up and your vision began to blur. You let out a loud sob when a piece of glass cut your finger. But the sob was not because of the pain of the cut but the pain of losing someone.

You continued sobbing in the ground face in your hands when you felt someone grab your hands. You looked up making eye contact with blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" You sobbed

"I could hear you crying," you responded sobbing

"Come one let's get you cleaned up," He said gesturing to your bloodied hand.

You followed him to the sink as he washed your hand under the cool water.

Your tears soon subsided and you looked up at him as he placed a hand on your chin.

"I just want you to know that I've never meant to hurt you and that I love you. I always had. Also if you could find it in your heart to forgive me and we can be friends and maybe I'll be able to win you over later on?" He said half joking with the last part.

You cracked a smile "I would love that Isaac,"

"But I'm not one of those girls that gets into a relationship right after she just ended another so we're going to have to take this real slow. Like turtle slow,' You spoke sternly

"I have waited 16 years for you I think I might be able to wait another few," He smiled before bringing you into a kiss.

Yes I know she picked Isaac! But I thought that she just had to I mean they just seemed meant to be!



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