Kakashi/ Orochimaru - you meet your sibling/siblings

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You meet your sibling/siblings


You looked old enough to be 3 months old but you could speak nothing but baby talk and when Kakashi took you home he didn't expect your older brother Sashi to open the front door and look directly into his arms

Sashi is 12 years old and has brown hair and the same gray eyes as Kakashi

"Is that a baby?" He asks

"Yes this is Y/N, the Hokage told me to look after her because I found her in the dumpster." Kakashi walks into the house and goes to the living room to see his wife R/N (Random name) on the couch knitting something so Kakashi sits beside her

R/N looks beside her to see a green blanket and Kakashi holding the blanket like a baby

"What's the blanket for?"

"A baby." Kakashi says and R/N looks at him in shock "Who's baby is it?"

"I have no idea, I found her and Naruto told me to take care of her."

"Sashi come here and meet your baby sister!" R/N yelled and Sashi came in the living room

Sashi looked at you and smiled you smiled back and cooed at him


You were currently in the training grounds fighting a dummy when a boy with simi-blue hair and a blue kimono walked in

"So you must be Mitsuki." You say and he nods

"Hello imoto." Mitsuki walked up to you and got down to your level and he hugged you, you flinched and you could feel memories rushing into your head it felt like a train just hit your head

You could see the faint figure of a woman with blonde hair and green eyes and a man with brown hair and golden eyes much like your own

You pushed Mitsuki away and you had a terrified face

"What's wrong imoto?" You backed away from Mitsuki only to be knocked out and you could feel those memories fade away

Meh is sorry for short chapter but I'm working on a (late) Christmas chapter it's currently 12:55 where I am so Christmas ended a while ago

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