A piece of Alex's mind

Start from the beginning

(Piper's POV)

Sylvia realised that Alex had seen right through her plan so she started to stammer.
"Um... baby... listen... I... I just-" She starts. BABY?! Did she just call my wife baby?! Again?! That was my job! Sit Piper, sit, Alex has got this. Right on cue, Alex cut her off.
"Okay. Number one. Don't call me 'baby'. All rights are reserved to Pipes in that department. Second. You were what? Spiking my drink in the hopes I'll jump back in bed with you once I saw Piper being violated by that kangaroo with a bad haircut? Again."
Nicky and I choked in laughter at this. We couldn't help it. Alex smirked in victory at making us laugh at Sylvia and Stella's expense and continued,
"Because again, me jumping in bed with someone is a reserved right to, yes, you guessed it, Piper! And ONLY Piper. Is that understood Sylvia?"
Alex had just used Sylvia's whole name. Oooh she was mad. That's how I knew she was either mad or annoyed at me, 'Pipes' turned into 'Piper'. Alex was angry with her ex but she confused us all by starting to laugh.
"What's so funny?!" Sylvia growls.
Alex wipes a laughter tear from her eye and answers.
"Oh nothing. Just the fact that you thought you stood a chance with me again when really the only reason I was with you before was because you were an easy way to get the jobs I didn't want to do in the cartel done. Nothing more nothing less. Plus, you thought you could actually split Piper and I up with your pathetic little plan?! When we're married?! Better yet, stand a chance against her? Oh Sylvie, you really are delusional." She laughs once more as Sylvia glares at her.
"Let's not forget psychotic." I chortled into my drink.
"That too babe." Alex agrees, chuckling. Sylvia then returned the favour and lunged at me.
Alex immediately stepped in front of me then proceeded to snake a protective, possessive and loving arm around my waist which just made Sylvia glare even harder at the action.
Alex spoke again but her tone had become incredibly threatening as she stepped into Sylvia's personal space, still keeping hold of me. Her face has turned very cold.
"Don't you EVER touch a hair on her head again. Don't you EVER set foot in this club again, or ANY of the Viper franchise around the world. Don't you EVER try to come between me and the love of my life again. Especially with pathetic excuses of plans like that one you just tried to pull off and failed. Piper and I? We're solid, we're in love, we're happy, we're possibly going to start a family someday and we are forever. Get it into your THICK skull Sylvie. I LOVE her, I ALWAYS will, I will ALWAYS forgive her for ANYTHING, I will ALWAYS be here for her and I will ALWAYS protect her from pathetic bitches like you. Isn't that right baby?" She finishes, calming her tone only to address me lovingly. She leaned in for a chaste kiss, I guess she wasn't done with Sylvia yet. I happily returned it though.
"That's right baby." I replied to her and smiled which made her smile back before she returned her attention to Sylvia.
"If I EVER see you go near her or myself again, I will go to great lengths to make sure that you will regret it. And you know I will. Got it? Good. Now get out of our sight." She growled and disgustedly turned her back on an embarrassed, deflated, jealous looking Sylvia, calling Stefan by once again raising her hand and snapping her fingers.
"Yes boss?" He asks.
"Take this pain in the ass out of mine and Piper's club and don't ever let her set foot in it again. She drugged me and threatened my wife, she's banned. So is that tattooed fucking kangaroo if I don't get my way in sending her back inside." Alex commands and Stefan does what he's told.
As Sylvia was being dragged out of our club, shouting expletives at us, Alex ignores her and nonchalantly takes a sip of her cocktail, bringing me tighter to her side.
Nicky chuckles,
"Wow Vause that was fierce. Remind me never to get on your bad side."
Alex simply smirks at her and rubs my back with her hand. Silently reassuring me and claiming me while also letting me know that I was the only girl who will always have a claim right back on her. This whole time I had been staring at my protective wife with heart eyes. She wanted to start a family with me?! Really?!
Nicky leaves to serve more of our customers and I took my chance.
"Hm?" She replies.
"Do you really want to start a family with me or was that something that you told Sylvie in the spur of the moment?" I ask, not entirely sure I wanted to know the answer.
Alex turned to me with a huge grin.
"I really want to start a family with you Pipes. I was thinking. It's what you've always wanted right? Plus, I want two and it'll keep the Vause family name alive. A boy first, then a girl. Then, if our daughter gets bullied her big brother can protect her! Plus a boy would keep the Vause name. Hmm or maybe two girls, let's face it, when am I ever going to be good in the boy department? And if they get bullied, they can team up and fight their bully off. It's what I dreamt of when I was a kid being bullied, someone to help fight my corner. If you don't want to, that's cool. Life with just you and me will be amazing with or without kids. I was just picturing how great a little family with you would be with little mini Vauses running around. Obviously we'd have to wrap up setting up the Viper franchise pretty quickly and get staff to run them for us but that shouldn't take long and we could-"
I cut her rambling off with a very deep kiss, grabbing her by the face and bringing her to me.
She laughed into the kiss.
"I'm guessing that's a yes then?"
"Yes" *kiss* "it's* "kiss* "a" *kiss* "fucking" *kiss* "yes" *kiss* "Alex!" I said happily between kisses.
I pulled away from her, she still had that huge grin on her face. I knew I had a matching one.
"I can't believe you want to start a family with me! Oh my god! Babe! And never forget you will always have me in your corner. Always." I happily remind her, practically jumping.
She chuckles,
"I know. I guess my badass drug smuggling lesbian days are over." She quips.
I smirked,
"After what you just did with Sylvie, I think the only part of that sentence that's true is that your drug smuggling days are over. Well, at least they better be because I'm not going back to prison and neither are you if it kills me Alex." I tell her sternly but smiling as I point at her.
"Piper!" She scolded me with an unamused frown.
"What?" I asked her confused, widening my eyes, wanting to know what I'd done. I'd forgotten she hated it when I used words or phrases that related to my death since the whole gunshot thing.
"4 months ago my old job nearly DID kill you! No more jokes about your death babe. Ever. I could've lost you again for good 4 months ago." She continued to scold me, but sadly as she remembered the incident 4 months ago.
"I'm sorry Al but I don't want to lose you again either to the drug trade." I whimper.
"Oh, rest assured babe, those days are over." She smirks and rubs noses with me, both of us smiling and incredibly happy.
"I love protective Alex. She's so hot." I admit in a seductive voice.
Alex quirked an eyebrow and smirked,
"Oooh is that so?"
"That is so." I quip back.
"Want to show me how hot she is?" She asks and continues hopefully,
"Does she get even hotter now that you know there are going to be junior Vauses?"
I didn't answer her, instead I grabbed her hand, my phone, downed my drink and began to rush out of the club to get her home as soon as humanly possible.
"Nicky! Don't wait up! I have to go thank Mrs Vause here in the best ways she, even you, can possibly imagine! Bye!" I shout to our friend as I pull a gleeful, smirking Alex out of the club behind me.
Nicky chuckles,
"Go get lucky Vause! Again!"
Alex smirks and wiggles her eyebrows happily before I grab her by the lapels of her jacket to pull her out of the club and answer Nicky,
"Oooh she's getting lucky tonight alright." I tell her and pull Alex out with me, leaving a chuckling Nicky as she wipes the bar clean of any spilled alcohol.

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