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Kagome's pov : it's finally over Naraku finally die and we can live in peace. Inuyasha and kikyo are together and sango and miroku are safe. And me all alone. Then kikyo comes up to me and said" inuyasha is mine now and soon you will be out of the picture"smiling in a evil way. Knowing she was right I ran away, well at least tryed but Sesshomaru stop me I thought to myself " why would Sesshomaru stop me. Sesshomaru's pov: I saw Kagome about to run away I grabbed her arm she looked at me in shock and I looked at her and asked " if it hurts so much then come live with me in the West" all the other looked very shocked but don't care then kagome ask me what would be expecting of her in the western lands I told her the truth" you would be my concubine and you would bare my future children, we would create the future together" I said. My brother started yelling " are you crazy! Kagome would never leave me to birth your children" inuyasha yelled the die woman then said" let the girl go let's face it that all she's good for to be a whore" she said the demon slayer then slapped the hell out of the die woman then said " you bitch kagome will always be better then you"the slayer yell. Inuyasha"s pov: "How dare you hit her" I growled." I can't believe this Sesshomaru you but even like humans or hanyo so why would you want to mate with a human and get hanyos out of it " Sesshomaru then said " it is none of you business want this Sesshomaru want with the miko"I was about to put out tensaige but kagome get in the middle" Inuyasha stop! Sesshomaru I'm sorry but I can't be your concubine and besides don't you have a mate" Kagome said waiting for he's to speak." Yes I do but she can't bare any children so you Kagome have no choice in the matter " he said then before we knew it Sesshomaru throw Kagome over he's arm and turns in a ball of light and flys away.

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