" Dance" Joker x Reader!Wayne's Niece

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"Dance" Joker x Reader!Wayne's Niece Part 1
DISCLAIMER: A little bit smut and MAYBE lemon and strong language. Also in this shot Joker and Harley are only friends.

   Here we are in Gotham. Everyone are excited about coming soon Christmas Time. Everywhere is snowing much and Christmas carols are the only songs you can hear. Everyone just feel the Christmas happiness-even Batman- except for one person. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is a young short and really shy girl. She never celebrate Christmas and no one knows why. You can almost say that "She loves Christmas as much as Grinch does".
Her friends invited her of course to spend Christmas dinner with them but she refused. All she wants for Christmas is to be alone. But fortunately her parents made her come to Bruce Wayne's Christmas ball. And here she is in her room standing before mirror looking at herself.
- Ugh... I hate Christmas.- she mumbled to herself, yet again smoothing her green dress and her purple long hair. (Igf you don't like it then fook the hamburger out of here)
- Starshine! Are you ready? We need to leave soon or we will be late!- her father called from downstairs. She huffed to herself walking out of her room and walked down to the front door where she put on her purple coat.
- Mom, dad... do I really need to be there? - she asked hesitantly like thousand time this week.
- Yes, you do. It's Christmas and besides Dick will be there. You're his friend and it's his first Christmas with family.
- But mom...- she started.
- No buts! Now hurry up. I don't really want to be late, it's not polite. - she said pushing her daughter out the door and into the car.
- Why everyone must be excited so much about that whole "Christmas"? It's just some dumb dinner...- she mumbled to herself crossing her arms and looking sadly out the window at her manor.
- Shush. Stop complaining baby.- said her father trying to concentrate on the road. She just huffed and stayed silent for the whole ride.

~Time ship because I'm lazy~

-Mister (Y/L/N) it's so good to finally  see you!- Bruce said smiling and embracing your father. They started talking about some business and joking between them self's and then he looked at you and smiled.
- Oh hello (Y/N). My since the last time I saw you you've changed much. You're as beautiful as you're mother.
- Hello uncle. And you've not changed a lot. Still handsome, rich and charming.- she said sarcastically.
- Why thank you, my dear. - he said chuckling and knowing that it wasn't compliment. He knew how much she hated to be here or anywhere that isn't her bedroom at christmas time. She walked away from them and soon found her cousin, Dick Grayson. She didn't remember what was his real name but everyone called him Dick.
- Oh (Y/N) YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!- He grinned at the girl and hugged her tightly and after few minutes let go off her.- I'm so excited! This is my first Christmas with Padre. And I'll spend it with you.
- Yeah. I'm very excited for Christmas with all of you.- you said sarcastically and rolled your eyes at him. He looked at you confused.
- Padre told me that you don't like Christmas... why?
- I don't don't like Christmas. I hate it.- you said. I swear to god. If I'd need to say this god damn holiday's name again I'm going to puke. She thought to herself fighting back the need to puke right here.
- Oh my Lord! I love this song! Let's dance!- he said when "Last Christmas" started playing in the background and before she could say anything he grabbed her hand and almost dragged her to the dance floor. He quickly, yet a little bit messily, put his hands on her waist and started spinning them to the rhythm of the music. She blushed at him, and hesitantly put her hands on his arms and let him lead her. They were dancing for few more hours and luckily her mood got a little better.
That's why she liked Dick so much. His innocent smile and happy behaviour always calmed her mood and let her feel a little better when she was sad or angry. But he also could be really annoying sometimes. But she liked him even when he's pissing her off.
- Okay, let's go get something to drink. I'm thirsty.- she said letting go of him and walking time the nearest table which was unfortunately beside Christmas tree. She signed taking a cup of hot chocolate and taking a sip.
- Are you having fun? - she jumped after hearing a voice behind her. She turned around and looked at her father smiling a little.
- Yeah, a little. Without Dick I'd probably die here from boredom.- she said taking another sip. Her father was about to say something but was interrupt by loud crash and people screaming. Soon the room was filled not only with guest but also with villains and the only one Joker himself.
- Marry Bad Christmas everyone!- he laughed and villains started robbing people. She tried to run past people but then she bumped into someone and closed her eyes ready for the impact with the cold floor but it never came. Instead she felt strong arms around her waist. She opened her eyes hoping it was just one of the guests but it wasn't. Her (e/c) eyes met with green ones of no other than Joker himself.
- Why hello there darling. I see youre falling for me~- he said smiling at her. She put her hands on his arms to steady herself and then she heard a slow song playing ("O Holy Night" by Christina Aguliera)
He looked down at her definitely checking her out and whistled smirking down at her.
- Oh my, love you're dress, beauty.~- he said making a face that was supposed to look flirtatiously but wasn't. It was creepy, well to you. You tried to get out of his grip but he only brought you back to him, literally smashing you to his chest.
- And where you're going, my beauty? Care for a little dance?- he asked moving his eyebrows up and down.
- No. Let me go!- she shouted at him trying desperately to push out of his strong arms.
- Playing hard to get, huh? I like that~- he grinned at her and started swaying to the music while she was struggling to get free. Finally she managed to get out of his grasp and turn around but he suddenly grasp her by her hips and lift her up in the air spinning around and bringing her back down to the pose where their faces were only inches from each other. Before he could smash his lips to her she pushed his face away with her hand. He bring her up on her feet hugging her from behind and... Did he just smelled me?!
- Let go, you creep!
- No way, Beauty~
- Stop calling me that!- she yelled trying to run away, yet again she couldn't do anything to get to safe zone far away from him and then she felt something wet touching her neck. She felt a thrill going down her spine. As much as she hated the filling she felt herself wanting more and couldn't help letting out a quiet moan escaping her lips.
- You like it, don't you? Want more, my dear?~- he purred sensitively into her ear biting it. Her body shooked a little from excitement and he chuckled to himself pushing himself into her back. Then she suddenly felt something hard against her butt which make her gasp and moan a little louder but only they were able to hear it. She started praying in her mind that the hard thing is not what she thought it was.
- P-please let me g-go...- she whispered her voice cracking, she was close to crying but she was stopping herself. It wasn't tears of fear, they were tears of shame. She was ashamed that he was making her feel horny for this. That she wanted more.
- You don't want to...~ - he whispered kissing her neck and stopping at her jawline. He abrutaly turned her around and pushed her against him and then suddenly he smashed his lips hungrily against hers. She tried desperately to push away from him but he was tightly holding her by her hip and pushing her head to his with his other grasping her hair.
Then suddenly he was pushed away from her which make her fall to the ground. She looked afraid up and sighed with relief seeing Batman standing protectively before her ready to fight. It ended up that Joker run away out the Manor with all the villains laughing maniacally.
She got up from the floor and run up to her father hugging him tightly and started crying. She couldn't stopped that and the worst was that she couldn't stop thinking about his lips and how she was longing to feel it again.
After the police came her father sat her at the table with hot chocolate in her arms and started talking with them and Batman. After everything was done and her hero left, her uncle came to her and hugged her in support. Her father got into a fight with his brother-in-law about how he was reckless about not having any security.
- She could've been raped by that monster if it wasn't for Batman!
- Look (Y/F/N)! I'm really sorry about what happened to her! I didn't thought that he could break my security system! I promise next time it won't happen!- he said looking at you're father but he just glared at him.
- There will be no next time Bruce! My daughter was in danger tonight! Our Christmas, her Christmas was ruined because of you're ignorance!- your father yelled pushing your uncle and it would turn into a fight if you wouldn't stopped them.
- Dad! It wasn't his fault. Please stop!- you yelled standing between them and looked at your father pleasingly. He looked at you and sighed.
- All right! (Y/M/N) darling where going home!- he told you're mother and gave Bruce only one last glare before he left. You looked at you're uncle and smiled at him saying goodbye and leave after you're parents.  You put on you're coat and sat in car quietly crying trying not to let you're ppatents know that you do feel awful and unsecured.

The rest of the night you spend in your bedroom hearing how your parents are fighting about Bruce and of course your mother was standing up for her brother. You were so confused about why did he made you feel that way and was crying about how much you hated the pleasure and titillation you felt while being in his arms. You still could feel his lips aagainst your neck and ear and you're sure that if you'd look in the mirror you'll find love marks on your neck.
You slowly let your exhausted brain drown away into the world of dreams where yet again he was. He became your nightmare and you couldn't help it.

Word count: 1883

Hope you liked it. Vote comment etc.
The next part would be today and I'll update another shot or other story tomorrow or today.

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