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1) Follow the rules :)

2) Any and all disrespect, bullying, or any -isms (sexism, racism, etc..) will NOT BE TOLERATED. Not towards the judges, or to any participants or even just readers. Not winning is no excuse to trash talk our judges or systems, and any rude comments will be deleted and/or reported. Depending on the severity of the comments, participants may even be banned.

3) All genres are accepted except for poetry, non-fiction, classics and random. Only English books are accepted. Stories must be your own work.

4) The story you are submitting does not need to be completed, as we will be judging based off of the first four chapters. So as long as you have four chapters complete, you are good to enter.  

5) While we will accept stories that are mature, we will not be reading any sexually mature stories. Violence and strong language are okay, but don't send anything pornographic or anything. It such scenes are included after the four chapter mark, it is fine so long as we are made aware. 

6) This is a competition for those under-appreciated authors, so any books with over 10k reads will not be accepted! Sorry.

7) In order for anyone to enter the competition, you must post alongside the entry form the name of your least favorite food. This is to ensure that participants are actually reading the rules.

8) One user can enter two books, but it will not be allowed for both books to win a prize in the same round. If one book has already won first place in one round, it cannot be entered into the competition in any more rounds. However, other books by the same author are still acceptable.

9) If the username, book title, or genre of the book is changed, update us immediately.

10) If a winner does not claim their prize within the week, it will be cancelled. No one else can claim it. If you will be gone during the week or longer, or will not be able to claim anything, let us know ahead of time and we can place prizes on hold.

11) Have this book in your private library so that you can be updated on any notifications

Congrats! You made it to the end. Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, let's move on to criteria!

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