Its Gonna Happen Guys!

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Look, I hope that everyone knows what's gonna happen within the next two years or so. The world right now, the world that we see right this moment, it's gonna die. The USA is collapsing in on itself. And in every single country in the world is in a battle with itself and/or another country. You need to fight and stock up!! Get out there peoples! The reason the citizens right here in the US are being hurt and murdered by our own military is because we aren't brave enough. And very soon going to be fighting against the military and government. There will be a second civil war in America and world war three all over the world. We need to fight!! We have the power! We have the numbers! We can fight those bastards that say that they are helping when they know clear in their minds that they are only going to be making matters worse! So far there has only been one death count and many inprisonment counts! That's only happening because we aren't fighting back. WE NEED TO FIGHT BACK!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if I get put away somewhere or shit in the face six to seven times, as long as I did it for something right! Look up "Manhattan nuke" "ISIS" "James Foley". you should have a clear idea what's going on out there! We aren't going to back down and be pussies and let our own governments treat us like shit! We are going to fight and stand up for what right!!!!! Guess what? Next thing you know, you we three armored troops bust into your house and you and you family are shot and killed! Please spread this around and comment.


'Authors Note: please just help out for what's right and open your eyes! Also I will no longer be working on my other books!'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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