Chapter thirteen

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I woke up to the smell of Lisa's bacon, and Kyle's snoring I climbed down for my bunk and started jumping on Kyle.

"Wake up, wake up today I can start surfing again!"

"Can't I sleep a little longer?"

"No get up!"

"I don't want to!"

"Please for me"

"Ok" we ate breakfast and immediately put our bathing suits on and went to the beach. We ran into the water with our boards.

"I'm so happy I can finally start surfing again"

"Still be careful because you still not completely better"

"Ok but only because you got this morning before I had to get a water bucket"

"Oh remind me never to piss you off"

We were in the water for a while when we saw Lisa and Anthony walk onto the beach so we got out. Anthony ran to Kyle and he picked him and for a while they played together in the sand while I started to read my book.

"What book are you reading?" Lisa asked me

"It's a love start about a couple that's falls in love at this beach house"

"Oh how nice"

"But it seems ridiculous, I mean I would never do the things the main character Jessie did."

"Well it's a love story it's supposed to sound ridiculous."

Kyle w

alked back with Anthony in his arms with his over his shoulder, I immediately thought something was wrong but when Kyle laid him down on a towel I knew he had only fallen asleep.

When the started to go down Lisa and Anthony went back to the house bite and Kyle stayed for little while. We laid on a blanket just watching sun go down, it was perfect.

I put my head on my shoulder and he rapped his arm around me. When suddenly he turned his head toward my bag.

"What's this?"

"It's a picture of you playing your guitar."

"Why is it in your bag?"

"I don't take it out of there, I guess you could say it's my good luck charm." He put it back in my bag. Then the next thing I realized his lips met with mine and for once I didn't feel like I had to pull away.

"We should head back." He said

"Ok." When we got back to the house we went in our room and he got his guitar and began to play. Then he handed me his guitar, and went into my bag and pulled out my camera.

"Play me a song."


"Just so it please."

"Ok" I began to play and then he took a picture of me.

"Why did you do that."

"So now I have a good luck charm." I smiled and gave back the guitar. An jour later we headed of to bed. I laid up in my bed but I couldn't sleep.


I suddenly felt Ana lay next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"Now I'll be able to sleep." she whispered

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