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The past two days were slow.

Professor said not to go to any classes because the X-Men were still deciding on welcoming you to the team.

You still don't understand why that'd be a reason not to go to any classes.

It did however mean more time with your friends. Except Warren and Jubilee. They still has classes until the weekend and its Friday so you will for sure go see them (mainly Warren).

You missed him. You didn't know why. Maybe you did. You did start to admit to yourself that you liked him.

You liked his hugs and his smiles. He's only ever smiled at you and that thought makes you smile because it's beautiful. You love it. It makes you feel special that you have that... Privilege.


Hours and minutes passed of awkward conversation between you and Peter about Warren and random giggles with the rest of the group.

After what felt like an eternity, the final class was dismissed.

"I gotta go. I'll see you guys later?" You say to your friends standing up off the couch in the hall.

"sure! Bye Y/N!" kurt waves at you along with the others.

"going to see Warren are you?" Jeans voice echo's in your head.

"You know it, now let me be"

"have fun" she says sending a wink your way as you turn the corner.

You walk further and further down the halls towards professors classroom.

Quickly finding your way to the group of teens that were just dismissed, you bump into Jubilee.

"Hey, Fireworks!" You say giving her a gentle hug.

"oh hi, Y/N! What are you doing over here?"

"I was just looking for um-"

"Warren?" she asks

"yeah" you say with an embarrassed smile.

"He's just talking to professor I think. Oh, right! Professor wants to talk to you by the way."

Your body shivers by her words. Are you on the team? Are you not?

As you walk up to the door you bump into Warren.

"Y/N! Hey, wanna grab dinner with me later?" he asks with that smile.

"Warren everyone eats at pretty much the same time?"

"I know but like toge-"

"yes Warren id love to," you smile up at him. "wait for me while I talk to professor?"

"course. yeah."

You quickly walk to professor who is sat in the corner of the class by the window.

"Professor X? Jubilee said you wanted to speak?"

"Ah, Y/N," he smiles spinning his wheelchair around. "how are you?"

"I'm fine professor, thank you." You smile

"I wanted to inform you that you are enrolled to the X-Men."

"That's awesome! Thank you so much!"

"of course, but I am assuming you have some things to get on with and tell Warren I permit you two to go somewhere nicer than the school dining room to eat."

"what do you mean?"

"I will allow you two to leave school grounds"

"oh. Uh. Thank you, professor. So much."

"don't mention it."


This is awful.
I'm sorry 🙈


Warren Worthington III [angelxreader]Where stories live. Discover now