Chapter 12

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The train breaks move me and Lucas apart. In a quick second the train pulls forward and I fall on top of Lucas.

"Hey." I laugh.

He laughs too. "Hey."

"Riley." I finally snap back to reality. I take Lucas's hand and run out of the subway and into the direction of Diminoe's. With my hands locked with Lucas's we enter the Pizzaria.

I look around and see no sight of Riley. I go up to a guy behind the counter.

"Excuse me, but did you see a tall, brunette, most likely has a sad face on her come in here?" I say too fast for my own self.

"No. Sorry." The guy replies.

I turn back around and slowly walk to the door in disappointment.

"Maya?" Lucas walks next to me.

"She can be anywhere. This is hopeless."

Lucas takes my hand and swings it. "We'll find her."


Lucas and I walk, hand in hand, in every place where Riley would usually go. We couldn't find her anywhere.

"We haven't found her yet." I tell Lucas while we're sitting on a park bench. I put my head on his shoulder.

"I know." He says in a low, sad voice.

"It's 5:30 pm. It's getting dark. I'm scared."

"We can go to Riley's house."

"For what?"

"To see if she went back home. If so, that just means that we had one hell of a day together."

"And what if she didn't come back home? What does that mean?"


"Let's go maya." Lucas gets up and I walk with him to Riley's house.


"I just remembered that I was suppose to meat up with Nathan today after school." I mention, breaking the silence.

"Well are you glad you didn't?" Lucas laughs and shoves me a bit.

"I feel bad saying this but, but yeah. I actually did." I laugh and push him a little too.

"Soooo...." Lucas starts looking around nervously. "Are we like, a thing now?"

I stop walking. "No. This can't happen."

Lucas's face looks disappointed. "I wasn't hoping for that answer."

"Lucas what are we suppose to do?!" I yell quietly. "I have a boyfriend who cares for me. You have a glorious girlfriend who is also my best friend and you want to go out?!"

"Is that wrong?"

"Yes! I mean no! I mean....maybe?"

Lucas hugs me. I feel this rush of joyful magic run through me. I feel calm. He lets go and I feel his soft lips make contact with my cheek.

"Does that change your mind?" He smirks.

I just stand there, conflicted. "Lucas my mind will never change. I like you, I like you a lot. And if I could I would, but I can't. We, can't." I start walking again.

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